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About the SafeOCS Reporting System

The SafeOCS confidential reporting system collects and analyzes data to advance safety in oil and gas operations on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). It was developed jointly with the Department of Interior's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and the Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). SafeOCS facilitates the capture of essential information about accident precursors and potential hazards associated with offshore operations, including risks related to pipeline safety and offshore transport.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why was SafeOCS established?
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    SafeOCS was established to close a gap in safety data and information sharing among industry groups. Almost all oil and gas companies operating on the OCS have internal safety data reporting programs. However, due to legal and commercial concerns, these data are not being shared widely among stakeholders. SafeOCS provides a solution to these concerns by offering operators a confidential method to share important equipment failure and safety data. The aggregated data can be used to reduce the risk of major events, including loss of life or property and environmental harm.

    Information collected through the SafeOCS program will help identify current safety issues and emerging trends. Other industries, such as aviation, have shared information through similar industry-wide programs that have led to increased operational safety and protection of the environment.

  • How does the SafeOCS program differ from other safety data reporting programs managed by individual companies
              or industry groups?

    Information from reporting programs operated by individual companies is generally not shared across the industry. Safety information collected by industry groups is often limited to the group’s members and is limited in scope.

    The goal of SafeOCS is to gather, aggregate, analyze and publish a broad scope of safety and equipment reliability data from all segments of OCS operations, for use by industry, government, and the public. SafeOCS will complement other safety and equipment reliability efforts and add to the combined knowledge to make the OCS a safer place to work and operate.

    To facilitate the submission of information to SafeOCS, BTS has worked closely with the industry to ensure that BTS systems closely mirror industry data reporting processes.

  • What happens to the information submitted to SafeOCS and how will it be used?

    The reports and information submitted to SafeOCS are collected by BTS staff and confidential information is secured. The information goes through a detailed quality evaluation and statistical analysis. It is then aggregated so that industry-wide patterns and results can be discerned. This aggregated information is then shared in a report with all stakeholders. The information can be used to improve safety and equipment reliability on the OCS.

  • How do I know my information is confidential and secure?

    BTS operates SafeOCS under the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (CIPSEA) (44 U.S.C. § 3501 note). Under CIPSEA, it is a felony, punishable by up to $250,000 in fines and up to 5 years in jail, for BTS or its agents to release identifiable data confidentially submitted in reports by individuals, companies or other entities. BTS has very strict protocols in place for collecting and protecting such data. CIPSEA protections include, but are not limited to:

    • •    protection from subpoenas and Freedom of Information Act disclosure
    • •    protection from release to the public, BSEE, or any other government agency
    • •    protection from uses other than statistical purposes

    More information about BTS and CIPSEA confidentiality protection can be found here.

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Send email icon  SafeOCS@dot.gov Phone icon  1-844-OCS-FRST (1-844-627-3778) Location icon  SafeOCS, BTS-USDOT, P.O. Box 23295, Washington, DC 20026-3295