Cancer State Aid

Program Overview

Established in 1937 by the Georgia legislature at the request of physicians, the Cancer State Aid (CSA) Program provides funding for diagnostic and cancer treatment services for uninsured and under-insured Georgia adults with limited annual household income. Each year, state funds are designated for the CSA Program to support payment of cancer-related services.

In an effort to reduce the burden of cancer, the CSA Program strives to address Healthy People 2020 National Objectives and state priorities by increasing access to early cancer detection and treatment.

Detection: To provide payments for cancer-related diagnostic testing of conditions medically evaluated to be highly suspicious for cancer.

Evaluation and Treatment Planning Support: To provide payments for cancer staging and treatment planning for Georgians who have a cancer diagnosis, but have not yet received a comprehensive medical workup. 

Cancer Treatment Support: To provide standard cancer treatment services to patients whose prognosis and planned treatments are medically eligible for program funding. 

CSA funding for prior-approved cancer related services is provided through agreements with participating facilities and vendors to include:

  • Hospitals (Inpatient and Outpatient services)
  • Free standing radiation therapy centers
  • Independent and private pharmacies
  • Home health agencies
  • Medical supply agencies

During FY 2013, over 3,100 claims for payment totaling more than $6,247,638 were reimbursed to participating facilities and vendors to cover multiple cancer services for enrolled patients.

Am I Eligible for Cancer State Aid (CSA) Program Funding and Enrollment?

CSA Applicants must qualify both financially and medically to be approved for enrollment and funding.

All applicants must meet and adhere to the following program requirements: 

  • Be uninsured or under-insured, lacking sufficient coverage for cancer treatment.
  • Have an annual income at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
  • Be a Georgia resident who is a U.S. citizen or resident alien (lawfully admitted to reside permanently).
  • Be accepted for cancer care by a physician affiliated with a participating facility.
  • Be in need of cancer related diagnostic testing, staging or treatment services or be in active cancer treatment at time of application submission.
  • Complete and submit an application to CSA through a participating facility.
  • Patients must receive cancer-related care at a participating facility and have CSA prior approval for each additional participating facility that is needed.
  • Patients who are approved for funding of diagnostic testing or staging services must also be medically approved for funding of any needed treatment services following diagnosis.
  • Only prior approved, medically eligible cancer related services that are billed through participating facilities are eligible for reimbursement.

Cancer State Aid (CSA) participating facilities and agencies provide cancer-related services to enrolled patients. CSA funding may cover physician prescribed inpatient and outpatient services provided through the following settings:  

  • Hospitals
  • Freestanding Radiation Therapy Centers
  • Independent Pharmacies
  • Home Health Agencies
  • Medical Supplies

How to Apply

Applications for CSA are provided by designated staff at participating hospitals and freestanding radiation therapy centers.

Step 1: Patients must make application through a participating Cancer State Aid (CSA) hospital or radiation center.
Step 2:  Designated staff at participating facilities will assist the patient in completion of the application and will submit the application to CSA on their behalf.
Step 3: Enrolled patients must first have CSA approval to receive care from each needed facility for services to be eligible for program payment. All program payments are based upon current available funds.






Page last updated 06/15/15