Heart Disease Prevention

Cardiovascular Disease has become an epidemic in the United States.  Cardiovascular Disease has risen to the top of the chart for leading causes of death, both in the nation and in Georgia. Preventable and controllable chronic diseases cost Georgia more than $40 billion dollars per year and are the leading preventable causes of death and disability in Georgia.  Prevention of this disease begins with you. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle to include a balanced diet, physical activity, refrain from smoking and adhere to prescribed medication(s).  Additionally, incorporate your team of health care providers to assist in controlling your health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular blood pressure and cholesterol checks. 

To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

  • Know and control your blood pressure
  • Exercise for 30 minutes daily
  • Self-manage your diabetes
  • Know your cholesterol and triglyceride levels and control them
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, decrease red meat consumption
  • Reduce your sodium intake
  • Choose not to smoke
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Limit alcohol consumption

Georgia Health Outcomes

Georgia is ranked 38th in the nation for health outcomes. With one in five adults and one in three children living in poverty, this serves as a predictor for lifelong poor health outcomes. Poor workforce health and the perception of Georgians maintaining unhealthy lifestyles also contribute to the low ranking. Preventing cardiovascular disease will lead to better health outcomes for the State of Georgia and decrease the billions of dollars spent on this preventable cause of hospitalization, death, and disability.

Additional Resources

A State Public Health Approach to Prevent Chronic Disease and Improve Cardiac Care (presentation)