Violence Against Women Prevention

Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-33-HAVEN (1.800.334.2836)

The Problem

Domestic violence and sexual assault are leading causes of injuries for girls and women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the state of Georgia.  Reports indicate that 30% of Georgia women in that age group will be abused at least once by their partners during their lifetimes.  Likewise, one in six women between the ages of 15 and 44 will experience intercourse against her will.  Perpetrators in both instances are more likely to be someone the victim knows such as a husband, boyfriend, date, correlative.

Accomplishments of the Grant

In October 2001, Georgia received CDC funding to conduct its first statewide VAW needs assessment and strategic plan.  The Injury Prevention Program (IPP) Environmental Health Branch, Georgia Department of Public Health, was awarded the grant and it was transferred to the Violence Against Women Program, in the Women’s Health Section, Family Health Branch. A VAW Leadership Team was formed to head the project.  Partners in the Leadership Team included IPP, Family Health, and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC).  The goals of the grant were to collaborate with key VAW stakeholders to conduct a needs assessment to identify and evaluate the current state and response of VAW programming in Georgia, create a plan of action to support and improve VAW programming, and conduct an evaluation of the process. Under the grant the following initiatives were accomplished:

  • Internal and external meeting with VAW stakeholders
  • Needs Assessment of the current state of VAW programming in Georgia
  • Development of a strategic plan (currently under revision)
  • Collaborations with other agencies and community partners to identify and disseminate appropriate materials.

Educational Materials

In October 2002, the IPP was awarded another grant to implement the recommendations developed from the needs assessment.  Based on these recommendations, and the newly acquired funds, the IPP identified, purchased and distributed, in collaboration with its community partners, the following materials to reduce violence against women in Georgia:

  • Protection Orders: Things You Need to Know (English and Spanish)

Educational videos on temporary protective orders were distributed to Nurse Mangers in all 159 Georgia Counties and 19 Health Districts to utilize in trainings and seminars.  The tapes, obtained from the Georgia Commission on Family Violence, were designed to increase the nurses’ knowledge of services available to victims of domestic and sexual assault, and to enable them to direct these women to alternatives that can help reduce their exposure to violence. Contact your local health department to borrow a copy of this video.

Designed and developed a tri-fold pocket card (in English and Spanish), in collaboration with the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV),  that contains information on the signs of domestic violence, safety plans, options available to survivors of domestic violence, and a list community organizations that work with survivors of domestic violence.  These cards will be distributed to potential survivors through community partners that are in frequent contact with them such as  law enforcement, hospital and emergency personnel, and shelters.  A downloadable copy of the card can be obtained from clicking on the links above or you can contact your local domestic violence shelter for a copy of the card.

Working in collaboration with community partners TAPESTRI Inc., an immigrant and refugee coalition, and GCADV, because of the increasing unmet needs of refugee and immigrant battered women in Georgia, a safety brochure was developed in 12 different languages including: Vietnamese, Korean, French, Arabic, Russian, Bosnian, Amharic, Chinese, Hindi, Somali, English, and Spanish. Contact TAPESTRI Inc. to obtain a copy of the safety brochure in any of the 12 languages. A downloadable copy of the safety brochure in any of the 12 languages can also be obtained by clicking on the link above.  You can also obtain copies by contacting your local domestic violence shelter.

  • City of Shelter Video Series

An educational videos series chronicling the impact of domestic violence through the eyes of survivors, advocates, healthcare workers, law enforcement, prosecutors, and judiciary agents.  The series focuses on the benefits of utilizing a coordinated community effort to reduce domestic violence.  Videos will be distributed to various VAW stakeholders to use in professional development trainings and VAW seminars.  For more information on where you can obtain a copy of this video series, please contact your local domestic violence shelter. 

  • Rape Is Videos (English and Spanish) and Rape Am I at Risk? Brochures

An educational video on the devastating consequences of rape and a brochure identifying the warning signs and the protective action steps to reduce the risk of rape. To obtain a copy of the video or checklist please contact your local sexual assault center.

  • Domestic Violence Posters with Tear off Information Pad

Domestic violence posters with information on how and where to get help will be distributed to emergency rooms and hospitals across Georgia.

Partner Agencies

  • Georgia Commission on Family Violence: Regulating agency for legislation, enforcement of laws and direct services relating to family violence throughout the state. 
  • Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC): The VOCA and VAWA grants administration organization.
  • Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV): A coalition of advocates working to reduce domestic violence (dv) by providing extensive information on dv issues through workplace trainings, public presentations, and involvement in statewide and local task forces, statewide conferences, and a quarterly newsletter. They also directly serve battered women and their children by providing education, consultation, training, technical assistance and referrals to direct service providers.
  • Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault: A non-profit coalition of sexual assault agencies and concerned individuals that are working towards the common goal of ending sexual assault.
  • TAPESTRI, Inc.: An immigrant and refugee coalition comprised of ethnically diverse advocates dedicated to helping immigrant and refugee families affected by domestic violence, sexual assault and exploitation
  • Georgia Office of Nursing: The Office of Nursing supports the delivery of public health nursing services to the citizens of Georgia by setting standards of practice, providing technical assistance, direction and leadership and developing policies and guidelines consistent with the Georgia Nurse Practice Act, the Georgia Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations and best practices.
  • Department of Family and Child Services (DFCS): DFCS is the division of the Georgia Department of Public Health responsible for administrating funds for family violence shelters and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) waivers for victims of domestic violence.  It is also oversees the Adult Protective Services branch which investigates reports of abuse, exploitation, or neglect of elderly or disabled adults who cannot care for themselves.