Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

The County of Kaua‘i, Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division is responsible for properly managing and disposing of municipal solid waste (MSW) on the island. Because the existing Kekaha Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) is projected to reach capacity in the coming years, a new landfill facility will be required to provide for safe and proper disposal of all forms of MSW that cannot practicably be further reused, recycled, or otherwise recovered. The County proposes to develop a new MSWLF and resource recovery park (RRP) north of Līhuʻe town, makai of Ma‘alo Road.   An Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is being prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts of and alternatives to the proposed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF).

Two public informational meeting will be held to provide information on the County's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the new Kaua‘i Landfill, Ma’alo, Kaua‘i Hawai‘i Tuesday, May 8, 2018, from 6 PM to 8:30 PM at the Līhu‘e Neighborhood Center School, 3353 Eono Street, Līhu‘e and Wednesday, May 9, 2018, from 6 PM to 8:30 PM at the Kapa‘a Neighborhood Center, 4491 Kou Street, Kapa‘a .

Public Comments will be accepted at the meetings and written comments will be accepted by mail with a postmark no later than May 23, 2018.  Please Mail Comments to:


Lyle Tabata, Acting County Engineer

Re: County of Kaua‘i New Landfill DEIS

4444 Rice Street, Suite 175

Līhu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766


Brian Takeda, Planning Project Manager

R.M. Towill Corporation

2024 North King Street, Suite 200

Honolulu, HI 96819


The PDF files linked below contain the Draft TREFS Report, Access Fact Sheet and Public Comment Sheet, Maʻalo Landfill Wildlife Hazard Assessment, and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

PDF icon Revised Draft TREFS with Route E

PDF icon Revised Draft TREFS with Route E - Appendix B

PDF icon Access Fact and Public Comment Sheet      

PDF icon Maʻalo Landfill Wildlife Hazard Assessment 

PDF icon Draft EIS Landfill part 1.pdf 

PDF icon Draft EIS Landfill part 2.pdf 

PDF icon Draft EIS Landfill Appendices 1 of 3

PDF icon Draft EIS Landfill Appendices 2 of 3

PDF icon Draft EIS Landfill Appendices 3 of 3


Call the County Solid Waste Division with questions at 808-241-4837.

NOTE: Special accommodations and sign language interpreters and interpreters for non-English speaking persons are available upon request five (5) days prior to the meeting date. To request an accommodation please contact the County Solid Waste Division at 241-4837 or via email at afraley@kauai.gov.



EIS Preparation Notice

The existing Kekaha Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) is projected to reach capacity in the coming years. Therefore, a new landfill facility will be required thereafter to achieve the project objective of providing for the proper disposal of all forms of MSW that cannot practicably be further reused, recycled, or otherwise recovered. Additionally, the County is committed to maximizing waste diversion via waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. The proposed project includes construction and operation of a both new MSWLF and a Resource Recovery Park (RRP). Based on a preliminary analysis of potential impacts due to the landfill and RRP, the County has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required, and therefore this EIS Preparation Notice (EISPN) has been prepared.

The EISPN commits the County to conducting a State-of Hawaii Chapter 343 EIS, which includes several documents and opportunities for public comments and input. The Draft EISPN provides a general framework for the ongoing EIS process; indicates some of the special studies that will be conducted, including alternative analyses; potential impacts and a preliminary discussion of potential mitigation measures; and summarizes past project activities, including the Siting Study and the previous round of public comments and responses.  


PDF icon Meeting Handout

Resource Recovery Park

In order to achieve its waste diversion goals, the County has identified a Resource Recovery Park (RRP) as a critical element of the County's solid waste management strategy. A RRP is a ‘one-stop service center’ that is intended to include a comprehensive and integrated set of waste management programs and facilities to support maximization of the diversion of waste from the landfill via reuse, recycling, and recovery. Providing a single centralized location where residential and commercial entities are able to conduct all of their recycling and waste diversion activities can provide a synergistic effect, and help promote reuse, recycling, and reduction of waste disposal, while simultaneously allowing the County to achieve cost savings through shared resources and economies of scale.

The Draft RRP Feasibility Study (FS) analyzes Kauai's current waste generation, recycling, reduction, and reuse strategies, and provides projections of future waste quantities. This data is then used to analyze a host of potential recycling, reduction, and reuse processes that can potentially be implemented at the RRP. Finally, the expected costs and benefits of each potential process is analyzed, and preliminary recommendations are made regarding which processes are appropriate for Kauai's RRP.

Public meetings were held on January 28 and 29 to present the findings of this Draft RRP FS to the public, and to solicit public comments and feedback on the Draft RRP FS. The RRP FS has been finalized to address the public concerns. A preliminary design of the proposed RRP will be prepared for input into the ongoing New Landfill/RRP Environmental Impact Statement.


PDF icon Final RRP Feasibility Study

PDF icon Presentation

PDF icon Draft RRP FS Meeting Handout

PDF icon Summary of Draft RRP FS Community Meetings

New Kauai Landfill Siting Study

In July 2012, AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) of Honolulu (formerly Earth Tech, Inc.) prepared the current New Landfill Siting Study, with assistance from RM Towill Corporation. The study re-evaluates the suitability of the eight sites (Kumukumu is re-included following a change in the earlier development plans) using contemporary exclusionary criteria, generates preliminary engineering estimates and planning-level cost estimates, updates the MACLS results with a community criteria evaluation using improved scoring and ranking methodology, identifies other important decision factors for siting a new MSWLF, conducts an overall site comparison, and presents recommendations. This report updates all previous data and performs additional analyses to allow the County to choose a proposed location for the new landfill. This report includes the following subsections.

 TitleModified DateSizeDescription
Cover - Section 27/26/2012616.86 KB 
Section 3, Part I7/26/20124.64 MB 
Section 3, Part II7/26/20126.11 MB 
Section 4, Part I7/26/20126.79 MB 
Section 4, Part II7/26/20125.98 MB 
Sections 5 - 97/26/20124.35 MB 
Attachment A, Part I7/26/20122.26 MBSLCE Site Reconnaissance Photo Log
Attachment A, Part II7/26/20125.10 MBSLCE Site Reconnaissance Photo Log
Attachment B7/26/2012652.51 KBCommunity Criteria Evaluation Data Sheets

EIS Community Meetings 2012

Community Meetings
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a New Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
and Resource Recovery Park


In May of 2012, the County of Kauaʻi Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division, hosted four community meetings to obtain public input and identify issues to be addressed in the upcoming Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a New Municipal Solid Waste Landfill and Resource Recovery Park.


During the meetings, activities performed to date were briefly summarized, the EIS process was explained, and comments were solicited from the public to identify specific environmental concerns for consideration in the EIS.


Community meetings, were held from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the following dates, times, and locations:

  • Tuesday, May 22, 2012, King Kaumualiʻi Elementary, Hanamaʻulu, Kauai
  • Wednesday, May 23, 2012, Kekaha Neighborhood Center, Kekaha, Kauaʻi
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012, Kīlauea Elementary School, Kīlauea, Kauaʻi
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012, Kōloa Courthouse at Neighborhood Center, Koloa, Kauaʻi


A summary of the meeting is attached here, along with the presentation and a meeting handout.


 Summary of May 2012 New Landfill Community Meetings

PDF EIS Handout, June 2012

PDF EIS Presentation, June 2012

Mayor's Report 2009

 TitleModified DateSizeDescription
Supplemental Notes8/31/200942.97 KB1 page
Volume 18/31/20092.72 MB222 pages
Volume 2 Cover, TOC, Appendix A, Tabs 1-78/31/20091.53 MB227 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Cover, Tab 88/31/2009567.23 KB6 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 98/31/2009615.33 KB9 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 9, Figure B.2.18/31/2009999.61 KB1 page
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 9, Figures B.2.2a-b8/31/20098.34 MB2 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 9, Figure B.2.2c8/31/20094.74 MB1 page
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 9, Figure B.2.38/31/20091.36 MB1 page
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 9, Figures B.2.4a-d8/31/20092.39 MB4 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 108/31/20091.94 MB10 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Sections 1-38/31/200917.40 KB39 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Section 48/31/20096.93 MB19 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Section 58/31/20094.82 MB25 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Section 68/31/20095.70 MB21 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Section 78/31/20099.24 MB18 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Section 88/31/20093.61 MB24 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Section 98/31/20096.09 MB34 pages
Volume 2 Appendix B, Tab 11, Sections 10-128/31/20097.94 MB70 pages

Advisory Committee Meeting Agendas

April 21, 2009 Meeting Agenda
March 17, 2009 Meeting AgendaDecember 16, 2008 Meeting AgendaOctober 7, 2008 Meeting AgendaSeptember 16, 2008 Meeting Agenda August 19, 2008 Meeting AgendaJuly 15, 2008 Meeting AgendaJune 17, 2008 Meeting AgendaMay 6, 2008 Meeting Agenda

Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2010 Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2008 Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2008 Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2008 Meeting Minutes
August 19, 2008 Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2008 Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2008 Meeting Minutes
May 6, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Documents from Advisory Meetings

Draft Evaluation Criteriafrom July 15, 2008 Advisory Committee Meeting20.24 KB
Potential Landfill Sitesfrom June 17, 2008 meeting1.55 MB
Public Message regarding Advisory Committeefrom May 16, 2008 meeting11.68 KB
Sample Siting Criteria Worksheetfrom July 15, 2008 Advisory Committee Meeting21.92 KB