AIDS Vaccine Research Subcommittee

The AIDS Vaccine Research Subcommittee (AVRS), formerly known as the AIDS Vaccine Research Working Group (AVRWG), assists the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in developing a comprehensive research program aimed at expediting the discovery and development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine. The members of the group provide advice regarding the vaccine research programs at NIH with respect to scientific opportunities, gaps in knowledge, and future directions of research. As a working group of the NIAID AIDS Research Advisory Committee (ARAC), the AVRS makes recommendations to the director of NIAID and the Division of AIDS concerning key scientific questions in vaccine development, including new vaccine designs, efforts to understand the mechanisms of protection in animal models, and potential new targets for vaccines.

In 1996, the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) convened a panel of experts, known as the Levine Panel, to evaluate all NIH AIDS research programs. The AVRWG was formed in 1997, in response to the recommendations made by the panel.

View the list of committee members

Upcoming Meetings

  • January 31 – February 1, 2017 (Rockville, Maryland)
  • September 12–13, 2017 (Rockville, Maryland)

Meeting Summaries

Content last reviewed on May 3, 2016