Windows 7 and Windows Vista Setup

Windows 7 logoWindows Vista logo


Step 1: Disable User Account Control (UAC).

  • IMPORTANT! User Account Control (UAC) must be turned off PRIOR to installing the ePlan Review Components. For instructions on how to turn off UAC, click here for Windows Vista instructions or click here for Windows 7 instructions. User Account Control may be turned back on after ePlan has been successfully run and allowed to install all ActiveX controls.

Step 2: Restart your computer. This is required to ensure disabling UAC does not affect the installation of the components.


Step 3: Enable Compatibility View. Most computers have received Windows updates that install the new Internet Explorer 10 which requires Compatibility View to be enabled for ePlan to work properly.

  • Open Internet Explorer and go to
  • To enable Compatibility View, go to the Tools menu (if you don't see it, press the "Alt" key), then click on “Compatibility View”.

Step 4: Disable pop-up blocking. ePlan Review utilizes pop-ups. If you have a pop-up blocker enabled (enabled by default on Internet Explorer), you will have to either disable the blocker or allow an exception for the ePlan Review site.

  • To disable the blocker go to the Tools menu, Pop-up Blocker, and choose "Turn Off Pop-up Blocker." Alternatively, you can keep the pop-up blocker enabled and allow an exception by following these steps:
  1. In Internet Explorer, go to the Tools menu (if you don't see it, press the "Alt" key) – Pop-up Blocker – Pop-up Blocker Settings
  2. In the "Address of website to allow" field, type in "" and then click "Add."
  3. Click the "Close" button in the lower-right corner.
  • Note: Other toolbars in Internet Explorer, such as Google, Yahoo, etc. often have their own pop-up blockers as well. Those toolbars, if installed, will also need to have their pop-up blockers disabled or set to allow for the site to work. Please refer to the help section of your toolbar for more information.

Step 5: Install the components.

  • Click the "Install Electronic Plan Review Components" link at the bottom of the ePlan Review login page.
  • After the components are installed, log into ePlan. When viewing or uploading a drawing or document for the first time on your computer, you may be prompted with a pop-up, similar to the message below. Click "Install".
Internet Explorer - Security Warning dialog screen capture

Step 6: Install Microsoft Silverlight. In order to upload files using ePlan, you must have Silverlight installed. It is recommended that you run the latest compatible version of Silverlight for best results. Please click here for Microsoft Silverlight compatibility and installation details.


Once you've completed these steps, your computer will be properly set up to use ePlan Review.


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