Social Media

NICHD takes part in social media activities, which are archived here.

Infertility Twitter Chat – April 25, 2018 External Web Site Policy

In observance of National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH External Web Site Policy) hosted the annual Infertility Twitter chat along with the HHS's Office on Women's Health (@womenshealth External Web Site Policy), the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronic External Web Site Policy), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@Reprodmed External Web Site Policy), and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@Resolveorg External Web Site Policy).

Infertility Twitter Chat – April 26, 2017 External Web Site Policy

In observance of National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIH External Web Site Policy) hosted a Twitter chat along with the HHS's Office on Women's Health (@womenshealth External Web Site Policy), the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronic External Web Site Policy), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@Reprodmed External Web Site Policy), and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@Resolveorg External Web Site Policy). Over 200 participants shared important information about infertility with Twitter users. 

Reddit "Ask Me Anything": Zika & Child Development – April 21, 2017 External Web Site Policy

As a follow-up to her first "Ask Me Anything" on Zika virus and pregnancy, Dr. Catherine Spong took nearly 100 questions from Reddit users on Zika virus and its affects on child development.

Reddit "Ask Me Anything": Zika & Pregnancy – September 9, 2016 External Web Site Policy

Dr. Cathering Spong, NICHD's Deputy Director, took questions from over 400 Reddit users on Zika virus and pregnancy during an "Ask Me Anything."

Rare Disease Day Twitter Chat – February 22, 2016 External Web Site Policy

NICHD co-hosted a Twitter chat with NIH (@NIHExternal Web Site Policy) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (@ncats_nih_govExternal Web Site Policy) to promote Rare Disease Day, held on the last day of February every year. During the chat, NICHD provided condition-specific information on rare diseases, such as Rett syndrome and mitochondrial disorders, and raised awareness of NICHD's research efforts.

Teen Brain  – May 19, 2015 External Web Site Policy

To help parents and caregivers of teenagers better understand how the teen brain works, NICHD (@NICHD_NIHExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a Twitter chat with ABC News' Chief Health and Medical Editor, Dr. Richard Besser (@ABCDrBChatExternal Web Site Policy), the National Institute of Mental Health (@NIMHgovExternal Web Site Policy) and the U.S. Office of Adolescent Health (@TeenHealthGovExternal Web Site Policy). A few of the topics discussed included the brain's impact on emotion and behavior, how environmental factors like bullying impact the teen brain, and how parents can help teens make better decisions. Access a full transcript of the chat on StorifyExternal Web Site Policy

Infertility – April 20, 2015 External Web Site Policy

In observance of National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIHExternal Web Site Policy ) hosted a Twitter chat along with the HHS's Office on Women's Health (@womenshealthExternal Web Site Policy ), the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronicExternal Web Site Policy ), the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@ReprodmedExternal Web Site Policy), and RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@ResolveorgExternal Web Site Policy ). Over 260 participants shared important information about infertility with one million Twitter users. 

Preterm Birth - November 19, 2014

In observance of Prematurity Awareness Month, the March of Dimes (@modhealthtalkExternal Web Site Policy) and NICHD (@NICHD_NIHExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a Twitter chat about preterm birth. Using the hashtag #preemiechat, participants discussed preterm birth risk factors and the research being done to help better understand and prevent preterm birth. 

Safe Infant Sleep – October 7, 2014External Web Site Policy

In observance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month and the 20th anniversary of the Safe to Sleep® campaign, the NICHD (@NICHD_NIHExternal Web Site Policy) and Parents magazine (@ParentsmagazineExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a Twitter chat about safe infant sleep. Using the hashtag #safetosleep, participants discussed ways parents, caregivers, and health providers can help reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death. 

Childhood Obesity – September 9, 2014 External Web Site Policy

In observance of Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (@NCCORExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a #childobesitychat about childhood obesity risk factors, research, and promising strategies.

Chat co-hosts included the NICHD (@NICHD_NIHExternal Web Site Policy) and the National Cancer Institute (@the_NCIExternal Web Site Policy).

Pregnancy – August 28, 2014External Web Site Policy

The NICHD, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Women's Health, and the March of Dimes hosted a #pregnancychat to discuss ways parents-to–be and healthcare providers can increase the chance of a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby. Parents-to-be and professionals discussed prenatal care, pregnancy risks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, common pregnancy myths, and labor and delivery.

Men's Health/Minority Health – June 23, 2014 External Web Site Policy

In observance of Men's Health Month, the HHS Office of Minority Health (@MinorityHealthExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a Twitter chat on men's health focused on minority men. Government offices, non-government organizations, medical experts, and professional athletes participated in the hour-long discussion, using the hashtag #ManUpChat.

Men's Health – June 4, 2014 External Web Site Policy

HealthCentral hosted a men's #HealthTipsChat to encourage men of all ages to take charge of their health. The chat was moderated by the Men's Health Network (@MensHlthNetworkExternal Web Site Policy).

Postpartum Depression – May 15, 2014External Web Site Policy

In recognition of National Women's Health Week, the National Institute of Mental Health (@NIMHgovExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a Twitter chat on postpartum depression. NIMH expert Dr. Peter Schmidt was on hand to discuss the topic and answer questions, using the hashtag #NIMHchats.

Women's Health – May 13, 2014External Web Site Policy

During National Women's Health Week, the NICHD participated in a Twitter chat to raise awareness about proactive steps women can take to improve their health. The chat was hosted by Everyday Health (@EverydayHealthExternal Web Site Policy), using hashtag #HealthTalk.

Infertility – April 23, 2014 External Web Site Policy

During National Infertility Awareness Week, the NICHD hosted an #InfertilityChat to raise awareness about infertility, treatment options, and research.

Chat co-hosts included:

  • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women's Health (@womenshealthExternal Web Site Policy)
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@CDCChronicExternal Web Site Policy)
  • The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (@ReprodmedExternal Web Site Policy)
  • RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association (@ResolveorgExternal Web Site Policy)

Teen Nutrition – January 22, 2014 External Web Site Policy

The Office of Adolescent Health (@TeenHealthGovExternal Web Site Policy) hosted a #TeenNutrition chat to discuss best practices in nutrition for all adolescents, and what youth-serving programs and professionals can do to help teens adopt and maintain healthy nutrition habits.

Chat co-hosts included:

  • The NICHD (@NICHD_NIHExternal Web Site Policy)
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (@USDANutritionExternal Web Site Policy)
  • The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (@NIH_NHLBIExternal Web Site Policy)
  • The HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (@healthfinderExternal Web Site Policy)
  • Taylor Wolfram, M.S., R.D., Evidence-Based Practice Manager for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (@TaylorEatRightExternal Web Site Policy)

Bullying Prevention – October 29, 2013External Web Site Policy

The National Institute of Mental Health (@NIMHgovExternal Web Site Policy) and NICHD co-hosted a Twitter chat in recognition of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. NIMH's Dr. Christopher Sarampote and NICHD's Dr. Valerie Maholmes and Dr. Layla Esposito helped field questions, using the hashtag #NIMHchats.




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