Division of Extramural Research (DER)

DER develops, implements, and coordinates cross-cutting, multidisciplinary research activities within NICHD's mission. The research portfolio is quite broad, including biological, behavioral, and clinical research related to conception and pregnancy, normal and abnormal development in childhood, reproductive health, and population dynamics across the lifespan. While NICHD's Division of Intramural Research conducts laboratory and clinical research programs at NIH, DER coordinates and funds research and training programs across the United States and many other countries through grants and contracts.

DER advises the NICHD Director on extramural research and training policies and activities. It also provides scientific peer review, grants management, and program management and oversight for roughly 3,500 competing grant applications and over 450 new and competing awards each year. With a focus on scientific priorities and research integrity, DER leads implementation of extramural policies and procedures for NICHD.

Please visit Extramural Scientific Branches to learn more about NICHD research priorities and funding opportunities. You can also view the organizational structure of DER (PDF 247 KB).

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Extramural Scientific Branches

Learn about DER's 12 scientific branches and the research they support.

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Who can I talk to about my grant application and funding?

Find the right DER person to talk with about your research, by research area.

Funding Opportunities

Research Resources

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