Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Clinical Trials

The NICHD conducts and supports a variety of clinical research related to SCI. Select a link below to learn more about these projects.

Featured NICHD Clinical Trials

  • Power Over Pain (POP) Study
    This study will examine whether and how certain treatments (including self-hypnosis, education about chronic pain, and learning skills to change one’s thinking about pain) can help decrease pain in people with SCI and multiple sclerosis.
  • BrainGate2: Feasibility Study of an Intracortical Neural Interface System for Persons with Tetraplegia
    This clinical trial aims to assess the efficacy of a microelectrode-array implant in a tetraplegic's brain motor cortex that is used to translate thought into physical action—without the mediation of the spinal cord. The project has been enabled by NICHD funding and involves teams of physicians, scientists, and engineers at several locations, including Massachusetts General Hospital and a newly established clinical site at Case Western Reserve University.

NICHD Clinical Trials

ClinicalTrials.gov Search Results

Information on current NIH-sponsored clinical trials is available by following the link below or by calling 800-411-1222.

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