The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) believes in the power of open data and being accessible to the public. This is why we make our data, deliberations, and decisions, accessible to consumers, developers and stakeholders, in accordance with the Open Government Initiative.

We use our website to broadcast live webcasts of meetings, hearings, and interactive workshops and trainings. Staff memos, technical analyses, Federal Register notices, Commissioner's statements and public comments are posted online during the course of CPSC's decisional processes. Recalls, safety alerts, safety awareness programs, interpretive rules, final rules and enforcement policies are all available on this site.

CPSC has the following tools to share our data sets with you:

  • Download the Plan

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    CPSC has the following tools to share our data sets with you:


  • Recall Data

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    CPSC has recently improved our API and dataset surrounding all of our recalls. Information on how to interpret and connect to the CPSC API can be found on the Application Program Interface (API) documentation page.

  • Civil & Criminal Penalties

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    When CPSC is involved in a civil or criminal investigation into violations of the Consumer Products Safety Act the Commission publishes final determinations and those penalties are recorded in the Civil and Criminal Penalties Database. You can search this database for records by civil or criminal penalties as well as by company, product, and fiscal year.

  • Import and Marketplace Violation Data

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    For all products regulated by CPSC, the Commission issues a Letter of Noncompliance when there is a violation of a mandatory standard. It advises the company of the violation and of the nature of the necessary corrective action (to correct future production (CFP); to stop sale and CFP; or to recall, stop sale, and CFP). This section lists all letters sent to importers and manufacturers beginning in Fiscal Year 2013 (double check starting date), where CPSC received a response from the company confirming the violation and CPSC confirmed that the company voluntarily completed corrective action to remedy the hazard.
    View the Violations page on our website which also has a link to download the data as a spreadsheet.

    CPSC has recently released the Violations dataset surrounding all violations of mandatory standards. Information on how to interpret and connect to the CPSC API can be found on the Application Program Interface (API) documentation page.

  • Monthly Progress Reports

    The Monthly Progress Report (MPR) is provided by recalling firms to report on the progress of the recall.  The MPR reports recalled products at the Manufacturer, Distributor, Retailer, and Consumer level on a monthly basis.
    Download the data here. 

  • Testing & Certification Lab Data

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    CPSC maintains a database of approved and accredited laboratories for third-party testing for each children’s or general product safety rule. The search provides you a list of labs that have been accepted by CPSC to test for compliance with federal product safety rules.

  • NEISS Data

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    CPSC’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) is a national probability sample of hospitals in the U.S. and its territories. Patient information is collected from each NEISS hospital for every emergency visit involving an injury associated with consumer products. From this sample, the total number of product-related injuries treated in hospital emergency rooms nationwide can be estimated.
    More information on NEISS data and how to query the database can be found on the CPSC NEISS Injury Data Page. Be sure to check out the guide to assist in your Query:

    • NEISS Coding Manual (pdf) - a description of which cases are included in NEISS, how they're coded and an alphabetical listing of products with current product codes

    CPSC has recently released the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) dataset. Information on how to interpret and connect to the CPSC API can be found on the Application Program Interface (API) documentation page.