Youth Services

Vision:  “All youth, particularly those most in need, will acquire the necessary skills to successfully transition into further education, training, careers and adulthood.”

Youth Program Principles:

• Provide a single funding stream for all local areas, in addition to resources for areas with high poverty and unemployment
• Responsibility for design placed under guidance of the local Youth Council
• Strong business involvement
• Moves from one-time, short-term interventions to consolidated approach
• Features a broad array of youth

Youth Council:
The Youth Council is a subgroup of the Kaua`i Workforce Investment Board. It provides expertise in youth policy and assists the local board in broadening the youth employment and training focus in the community to incorporate a youth development perspective. Questions for the Youth Council can be directed to

Youth Council Members

Name Organization Title
Leialoha Sanchez YWCA of Kauai Prevention Counselor
Jonathan Chun Belles Graham Proudfoot Wilson & Chun. LLP Attorney
Michael Chandler, Jr Kamehameha Schools Program Specialist
Tricia Yamashita Kauai Hospice, Girl Scouts Director, Market Mgr.
Kaulana Finn Big Brothers, Big Sisters Counselor
Michael Ozaki County of Kauai Police Department Community Liaison
Kathy Kato County of Kauai Housing Agency Counselor

Youth Provider: Paxen, (Huli Ke Alo) 

Out-of-School Program
The Out-of-School program is offered to disadvantaged youth, ages 16-21, who are no longer attending school.  The program begins with a two-week class using a curriculum that is specifically designed to address work readiness and occupational skills and to prepare the youth for work experience and job placement.  These goals are addressed and met through interactive training modules, followed by actual participation in work experience.  This approach allows the participants to not only receive training in employability skills, but also begin to immediately apply those skills in the workplace.

Curriculum includes:
• Pre-employment Work Maturity Skills
• Career Exploration
• Working Basics Life Skills
• Work Experience

For additional information and program eligibility contact:

Paxen, (Huli Ke Alo)
Peggy Granda, Program Manager
4670 Kahau Rd.
Kapaa, HI  96746
(808) 823-6077