Questions and Answers for RFA-AI-18-054, U.S.-Brazil Collaborative Biomedical Research Program (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

NIH published this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) in a December 4, 2018 Guide announcement.

Table of Contents

Questions Published on January 2, 2019

Questions Published on January 2, 2019

How much money is available for how many awards?

The U.S. and Brazil plan to award an estimated total of up to $2.75 million per year for 8 to 10 four-year awards in FY 2020.

Should the Brazil portion of the budget be included as part of the overall budget in the budget forms?

No. include only the budget information for the activities related to the U.S. portion of the project in the budget forms.

Include the budget of the research activities to be carried out by the Brazilian scientist(s) in the budget justification section under Other Direct Costs.

We strongly encourage applicants to list the activities to be carried out by the Brazilian scientist using the cost categories of Supplies (e.g., consumables), Travel Expenses, Subcontracts, Capital Expenditure (e.g., equipment) and Personnel Expenses (e.g., scholarships) in a table.

Must there be a preexisting collaboration between the U.S. and Brazilian scientists?

No. The program is open to both new and previously established collaborations.

May new investigators apply to this FOA?

Yes. NIH encourages new investigators, especially early-stage investigators (ESIs), to apply.

To find out whether you qualify as new or ESI, go to NIH’s Early Stage Investigator Policies.

For a multiple PI application, may the contact PI be from the Brazilian institution?

No. The contact PI must be an eligible investigator from the U.S. institution.

What language should applicants use for the application?

All applications must be written and submitted in English.

Do investigators from each country send separate applications?

No. Investigators from both countries will work together to prepare and submit one application to NIH.

As explained in the FOA, by sending an application to NIH, we expect that that the applicants agree to allow NIH to provide a copy of the submitted application and summary statement to the government of Brazil.

Your application should include a Letter of Support. The U.S. PD(s)/PI(s) and the Brazilian collaborating partner should co-write and co-sign the letter. The authorizing institutional officials should also sign. In the letter, confirm the new or existing collaboration and state that the U.S. awardee organization agrees to allow NIH to provide a copy of the submitted application and summary statement to the government of Brazil.

Are references part of the 12-page limit for the Research Strategy?


What types of research projects would be appropriate?

Review the example research areas of interest in the Scope of the Research Responsive to this FOA section. Keep in mind that these are broad topics. If unsure, please contact the appropriate Scientific/Research Contact(s) in the FOA.

Is select agent research allowed under this FOA?

No, select agent research is not allowed. Check the Select Agents and Toxins list.

As detailed in Section I. Funding Opportunity Description, applications for work with select agents will be considered non-responsive and will not be reviewed.

Who serves on the peer review panel?

The majority of the reviewers specifically recruited for these applications will be Brazilian and U.S. scientists. We choose reviewers who demonstrate appropriate scientific expertise and breadth of perspective and do not have any conflicts of interest.

How does the funding process work for this FOA?

The U.S. and Brazilian funding agencies provide funding to meritorious applications based on NIH peer review.

For successful applicants, the U.S. scientist(s) will receive funds from NIH and the Brazilian scientist(s) will receive funds from the Brazil MS through the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) within the Brazilian Government's MCTIC.

After announcing the final results, the Brazilian government will give Information regarding the funding process to the Brazilian scientist(s). They may ask applicants to submit a Portuguese version of the proposal to MS and CNPq.

Whom should I contact if I have additional questions about this announcement?

Contact the Scientific/Research Contact(s) listed in the FOA.

Content last reviewed on January 2, 2019