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NICHD Uterine Fibroids Research Information

NICHD research on uterine fibroids aims to learn more about what causes them, how they grow, factors related to who develops them, and fibroid treatments. As part of this research, NICHD scientists are exploring genetics, hormones, the immune system, and environmental factors that may play a role in starting the growth of fibroids or in continuing that growth.

An interim goal is to find a solution that does not involve removing the uterus. The long-term goal of this research is to eliminate fibroids from being a factor in women’s health at all.


    1. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2007). Management of uterine fibroids: An update of the evidence. AHRQ Publication No. 07-E011. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://archive.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/evidence/pdf/uterupdate/uterup.pdf (PDF 2.25 MB)
    2. AHRQ. (2005). The FIBROID Registry: Report of structure, methods, and initial results. AHRQ Publication No. 05[06]-RG008. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://archive.ahrq.gov/research/fibroid/
    3. Catherino, W. H., Leppert, P. C., Stenmark, M. H., Payson, M., Potlog-Nahari, C., Nieman, L. K., et al. (2004). Reduced dermatopontin expression is a molecular link between uterine leiomyomas and keloids. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 40(3), 204–217. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gcc.20035/abstract;jsessionid=3BB1D23398422CF08AA1E966E3ACB25E.d01t04 
    4. Leppert, P. C., Baginski, T., Prupas, C., Catherino, W. H., Pletcher, S., & Segars, J. H. (2004). Comparative ultrastructure of collagen fibrils in uterine leiomyomas and normal myometrium. Fertility and Sterility, 82(3), 1182–1187. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(04)01135-5/abstract 
    5. Leppert, P. C., Catherino, W. H., & Segars, J. H. (2006). A new hypothesis about the origin of uterine fibroids based on gene expression profiling with microarrays. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 195(2), 415–420. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937806000068 
    6. Norian, J. M., Malik, M., Parker, C. Y., Joseph, D., Leppert, P. C., Segars, J. H., et al. (2009). Transforming growth factor β3 regulates the versican variants in the extracellular matrix-rich uterine leiomyomas. Reproductive Sciences, 16(12), 1153–1164. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://rsx.sagepub.com/content/16/12/1153.long 
    7. Rogers, R., Norian, J., Malik, M., Christman, G., Abu-Asab, M., Chen, F., et al. (2008). Mechanical homeostasis is altered in uterine leiomyoma. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 198(4), 474.e1–474.e11. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937807022399 
    8. Norian, J. M., Owen, C. M., Taboas, J., Korecki, C., Tuan, R., Malik, M., et al. (2012). Characterization of tissue biomechanics and mechanical signaling in uterine leiomyoma. Matrix Biology, 31(1), 57–65. Retrieved June 13, 2017, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0945053X11000898 
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