How to Apply Online


A “How to” for first time users…

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Employment Opportunities link
  3. Scroll down to the job category listings and check the boxes of the job types you are interested in (Tip: Click the Select All Categories or Clear All Categories buttons to speed up the process)
  4. Enter any key works you are looking for in the text box (optional). Press Go
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page. All job openings in the categories that you chose will be displayed alphabetically
  6. Click on the job title that you are interested in
  7. Review the job announcement carefully, noting the location of the job opening, minimum qualification requirements, description of job duties, and other special requirements
  8. If, after reviewing the announcement, you wish to submit an application, click on the Supplemental Questions tab. If there are supplemental questions, prepare your answers in a word processing program prior to continuing the application process. You will be able to copy and paste your answers into the application later on
  9. Click on the Apply link to submit your application
  10. Click on Create Your Account Here
    (Note: if you have already created an account here or at, you may log in now and either create a new application or click “To apply for the position of click here” and follow the directions. This guide will go through the steps needed for a first-time user.)
  11. Choose your Username, Password and Password Hint. Enter your email address. If you do not have an email address, you can get one free from Hotmail, Yahoo!Mail, or Excite. (Confirmation emails will be sent to this address when you submit an application)
  12. Click on Save once you have completed filling in this information
  13. Print out a copy of the information on the next screen for your records. It contains the information needed to log in to your account. Then click the Login button
  14. Login using the Username and Password you have just created
  15. Then click on Create Application
  16. Enter a general descriptive name for the application you are about to create and click on Create Application
    (Note: You do not need to create an application for every job you wish to apply for. You may use one application to apply for many jobs.)
  17. Enter your information into the form. All fields accompanied by an asterisk symbol (*) require that you enter information to proceed. When you are finished, click on the Save and View Application button at either the top or bottom of the page. It is very important to use this button to save your progress as you move on
  18. If you did not enter information into a required field or if you have entered it incorrectly – for example, the phone number below is missing a digit – you will see the following message “Attention: Please correct the following areas:…”. Simply correct the error and click the Save and View Application button at the bottom or top of the page
  19. The next window will show your full application. To add information, simply click on the link in the appropriate section. For example, to add work experience to your application, scroll down to the WORK EXPERIENCE heading and click Add Work Experience on the right side of the screen
  20. Enter your information in the same manner as before. Remember that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. When you are finished, click the Save and View button at the bottom of the screen to save your progress and view your updated application.
    (Note: All year dates must be entered in long format. For example, June 13, 2006 must be entered as 6/13/2006. If entered as 6/13/06, a format error message will appear. Also all telephone numbers must include an area code.)
    (Tip: You may copy and paste information from your word processing program into your application. Remove as much formatting as possible before transferring the text as heavy formatting (i.e. fonts, bullets, colors, etc.) does not transfer well)
  21. You will see that your application now includes the work experience you have just added. To add more jobs, simply click on Add Work Experience again and follow the same steps. To edit or delete work experience you have already entered, click on the appropriate link, Edit or Delete, next to the work experience you want to change
  22. You may now enter information into any other section in the same manner, by clicking on the Add link in that section
  23. You can also add or edit your resume by clicking on the Edit Resume button
  24. You can copy and paste your resume into the text box or attach a pre-made resume if you have it saved on your computer
    – To attach a pre-made resume click on the Browse button
    – A smaller window will appear. Find the file that contains your pre-made resume, click on it, then press the Open button
  25. As before, click the Save and View Application button to save your progress
  26. When you are finished with your application, click on the Go to Step 2: Agency-wide Questions button
  27. Read through the instructions and complete the Agency-wide Questions. When you are finished, click on the Save and Proceed button on the bottom of the page
  28. If the job you are applying for requires you to answer supplemental questions, they will be shown on the next page. Read the instructions then complete the supplemental questions. Continue by clicking on the Save and Proceed button at the bottom of the page
  29. You will now be shown your entire application so far. Review all of the information on the page to ensure its accuracy. If it is complete, click the Confirm Application button at the bottom of the page
  30. Read the statement that follows and click the Accept button if you choose to agree to the statement
  31. A confirmation screen will appear verifying that your application has been received. You will also receive an email confirmation that your application has been submitted to the County of Kauai
  32. If you wish to apply for another job opening go back to the job listings at, find the job your want to apply for, and after reviewing it click on the Apply button just as shown in steps 7 and 8
  33. If you have not logged out, this will take you the main menu of your account
  34. You will be presented with the option: To apply for the position of <Job Title> click here. Click on the Job Title to apply using the application you just created or click on the Create Application button to apply using a new application. Whether you use your previous application or create a new one, you will be repeating the steps laid out in this guide
  35. After you are finished applying online, end your session by clicking the Logout button. Be sure that all of your information is saved by clicking the appropriate Save buttons, if given the choice, before you log out.
    (Note: It is important that you log out of your account before leaving a public access computer so that the next user can’t see your personal information.)



If you don’t see a job opening that you are interested in but would like to prepare or modify your application in the meantime:

  • Go to and click the Career Seekers tab at the top of the page.
  • Log in with your Username and Password or follow the instructions to create a new account if you don’t have one.
  • Create an application and/or modify it and it will remain stored there for your use.
  • You can create and modify as many applications as you wish for as many different jobs as you wish. You can easily find them and use them when you begin applying for different jobs.
  • Be sure to record and remember your Username and Password for future use.


When you apply for jobs with the County of Kauai, you will use the same Username and Password you created at Your ready-made applications will be waiting for you to use. Simply choose which one you want to use, answer the supplemental questions required for that particular position, and submit the application.



Call the Department of Human Resources at (808) 241-4956.