Office of Extramural Programs (OEP)

OEP Organizational Chart (PDF)


OEP provides leadership and expertise in science program management, including program and policy development, interpretation, coordination, oversight, evaluation, training and outreach, for the extramural research community and NIH extramural staff, to promote the highest quality and sustained capability of research and training programs in order to improve public health.

Major Responsibilities:
Senior Leadership:

Acting Director: Jodi Black, PhD


Division of Loan Repayment (DLR)

Administers all aspects of the NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) for scientists conducting nonprofit research outside of NIH, and supports application and payment activities for the NIH Intramural Loan Repayment Programs for NIH employee researchers.

Director: Erika Boone
Director of Operations:  Steve Boehlert
LRP Information Center:
Phone: 866-849-4047 and


 National Research Service Awards (NRSA) Payback Service Center

Implements NIH-wide service agreements and administers payback requirements for National Research Service Awards.

Director: Steve Boehlert, Director of Operations


Division of Human Subjects Research

Provides leadership, expertise, coordination, and oversight for NIH policies related to peer review, the protection of human research participants in NIH supported grants, and the promulgation of a vibrant pipeline of biomedical researchers.

Director: Vacant


NIH Guide Team

​NIH Guide Director: Jose Ruiz, PhD

Division of Special Programs (DSpP)

Provides scientific program management and oversight of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program, the Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) Program, and Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (R13/U13). Ensures that NIH extramural staff are trained to meet the ever-changing demands of their job. Communicates funding opportunities and critical information concerning NIH's programs, policies, and procedures to the biomedical research training community through the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

Director: Matthew Portnoy, PhD - SBIR/STTR Program Coordinator


Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR)

Extramural Staff Training Office (ESTO):
  • Rosalina Bray, MSc., CEP - NIH Extramural Staff Training Officer
  • vacant -  Instructional Designer, Extramural Staff Training Office

Immediate Office of the Director (IMOD):

NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research:  Michael S. Lauer, MD
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