Electronic Records Archives (ERA)

National Archives Electronic Records Archives (ERA)

NARA is building ERA to fulfill its mission in the digital age: to safeguard and preserve the records of our government, ensure that the people can discover, use, and learn from this documentary heritage, and ensure continuing access to the essential documentation of the rights of American citizens and the actions of their government.

About the ERA System

Learn more about the ERA System designed to support the preservation of, and access to the permanently valuable electronic records of the Federal Government

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ERA for Federal Agency User

Find information about NARA’s current acquisition to secure a contractor for Operations and Maintenance of the ERA System records

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National Archives Catalog

The National Archives Catalog is the public portal to our holdings and information about our holdings. The public can contribute tags, transcriptions, and comments to provide additional context.

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Watch our new video about the ERA System and its role in managing and preserving the electronic records of the Federal Government!


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