
Due to the lapse in Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2019, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is closed. As a result, information on the web site may not be up to date. In addition, the agency may not be able to process transactions or respond to inquiries which do not constitute a threat to safety, health or property for which an immediate response is necessary. If immediate attention is necessary, please contact our toll free consumer hotline 1-800-638-2772. Information for CPSC Employees.

2:00 To 4:00
Rockville, MD
Hope Nesteruk and Other CPSC Staff Participating in a Conference Call with the ASTM Gates Subcommittee
10:00 To 12:00
Rockville, MD
Scott Ayers Attending Quarterly ASTM F15.45 Teleconference Reviewing Recent Candle Incidents
2:30 To 3:00
Bethesda, MD
Commissioner Adler and Staff Meeting with Representatives from Portable Generator Manufacturers Association (PGMA)

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