WorkWise Kauai - The One-Stop Job Center

WIOA services are provided through a One-Stop delivery system called WorkWise Kauai.

WorkWise Kauai provides a full range of services, including employment, training and education services for job seekers. Comprehensive services for employers include resources for placing job orders and obtaining referrals, labor market data, training programs and other employment related assistance.

The vision and mission of the WorkWise Kauai System is to advance the economic well being of the County of  Kauaʻi by maintaining a quality workforce and by serving as the focal point for all regional and local workforce investment initiatives.  This is being achieved through the delivery of high quality and integrated workforce investment, education, and economic development services for employers, job seekers and incumbent workers.

All required partners of the Kauaʻi Workforce Development System (WDS) have agreed to form a coalition of collaborating partners "a Consortium".  These partners include

• Alu Like, Inc.
• Department of Vocational Rehabilitation & Services to the Blind Division (VRSBD) (DVR)
• Kauaʻi Community College (KCC)
• Kauaʻi Community School for Adults (KCSA)
• Kauaʻi Economic Opportunity (KEO)
• Unemployment Insurance (UI)
• Workforce Development Division (WDD)

For additional information and program eligibility contact:

WorkWise Kauai
Your Kauai One-Stop Job Center
4444 Rice Street, #302
Lihuʻe, Kauaʻi, HI 96766-1340 
Phone: (808) 274-3056  Fax: (808) 274-3059

Contact Information

WorkWise Kauai
Your Kauai One-Stop Job Center
4444 Rice Street, #302
Lihuʻe, Kauaʻi, HI 96766-1340
Phone: (808) 274-3056

Fax: (808) 274-3059 