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Our Mission, Role & History Wall of Honor

Wall of Honor

Located at 1900 E Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20415-1000

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Photo of Wall of Honor at Office of Personnel Management

Federal civilian employees who died in the line of duty since January 1, 2012, as provided to OPM by Federal agencies. The names are updated annually by the first week in May.

  • Token Adams
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Margaret Anderson
    Department of the Interior
  • Michael Arnold
    Department of Defense
  • Garrett R. Barnett
    Department of the Interior
  • Pierrot Baptiste
    Department of Defense
  • Richard Belisle
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Dana Bruce
    Department of the Interior
  • Stephen Byus
    Department of Defense
  • Thomas J. Cameron
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Leopoldo Cavazos Jr.
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Luis Miguel Cervantes
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Steve Cobb
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Paul Cook
    Department of the Interior
  • Jason Crisp
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Harold Davis
    Department of Defense
  • Krissie K. Davis
    Department of Defense
  • David Delaney
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Virgil W. Denning
    Department of Energy
  • James R. Dominguez
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Sylvia Frasier
    Department of Defense
  • Kathleen Gaarde
    Department of Defense
  • Robert Gibson
    Department of Defense
  • David Girty
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • John Glenn
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Dennis Guthrie
    Department of Defense
  • Nicholas Hall
    Department of the Interior
  • Michael Hallenbeck
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • James P. Hart
    Department of Defense
  • Geraldo I. Hernandez
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Kelly Hobbs
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • James A. Hopkins
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Terrell E. Horne III
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Jeffrey M. Hyska
    Department of Defense
  • Nicholas J. Ivie
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Michael S. James
    International Boundary and Water Commission,U.S.-Mexico
  • Fernando Jorge
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Andrew W. Knight
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Mary Knight
    Department of Defense
  • Matthew Lacourse
    Department of Defense
  • George Lazzaro
    Department of Defense
  • Frank Lema
    Department of Defense
  • Christopher William Lorek
    Department of Justice
  • John Lupien
    Department of Defense
  • Dr. John Lydon
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • J. Scott McGuire
    Department of Homeland Security
  • James Olson
    Departmrnt of Defense
  • Vishnu Pandit
    Department of Defense
  • Kevin Parlow
    Department of Defense
  • Darrell L. Peterson
    Department of the Interior
  • Anthony Polk
    Department of Interior
  • Richard Powell
    Department of Defense
  • Kenneth Proctor
    Department of Defense
  • Jeffrey Ramirez
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Gerald Read
    Department of Defense
  • David Rivera-Santiago
    Department of Defense
  • David Ruhl
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Stephen Palmer Shaw
    Department of Justice
  • Luke Sheehy
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Hyun Shin
    Department of State
  • Anne Smedinghoff
    Department of State
  • Sean P. Smith
    Department of State
  • Ruben Solorio
    International Boundary and Water Commission,U.S.-Mexico
  • Louis Stallings
    Department of Defense
  • John Christopher Stevens
    Department of State
  • Dale T. Taylor
    Department of Homeland Security
  • Zacarias Toro
    Department of Justice
  • Nelson P. Tumamao
    Department of Defense
  • Jimmie Tyree
    Department of Defense
  • Ann R. Veseth
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Sandra Vicks
    Department of Defense
  • James "Terry" Watson
    Department of Justice
  • Josie Lamar Wells
    Department of Justice
  • Richard Wheeler
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Eric Williams
    Department of Justice
  • Julius C. Williams, Sr.
    Department of Defense
  • Andrew Zajac
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Thomas Zbyszewski
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
Each day, Federal workers protect and defend the Constitution of the United States – often at personal risk. Together, they are part of the extraordinary experiment in freedom, self-governance, and service to others that we call America. The Wall of Honor marks our gratitude to the men and women in Federal civilian service who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty."
John Berry, Director
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Dedication Ceremony, April 11, 2013

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