Skylark Motel neon restoration, St. Clair, Missouri

Skylark Motel, after restoration. St. Clair, Missouri.

National Park Service

Route 66 Cost-Share Grant Program

The Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program provides cost-share grant assistance to support the preservation of the most significant and representative historic Route 66 buildings, structures, road segments, and cultural landscapes in the eight states through which the route passes. Assistance is also provided to support research, planning, oral history, and educational outreach projects related to the preservation of Route 66.

Program cost-share grant funds are provided through congressional appropriations, which are determined each new fiscal year. Project eligibility criteria requires a minimum 50% (1:1) cost-share match provided by the applicant. All preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation projects are required to conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

The 2018 cost-share grant cycle is now closed. It is anticipated that the next cycle will open in January, 2019 at which time an application package will be available through this web site and the program office. For a description of current eligibility and evaluation criteria, see the 2018 Cost-Share Grant Application Guidelines and Forms. The eligibility and evaluation criteria set forth in these guidelines were established for the 2018 funding cycle only and are subject to revision in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

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