Background Materials

Boy raising arms in the air

The materials on this page provide general background information about the We Can!® national movement and offer highlights of the program's messages and effectiveness. Print resources like the fact sheet and brochure are useful for you, and also can be shared with others who might be interested in joining the We Can! movement. Similarly, you can post the We Can! animation to your website to share your enthusiasm for the program. For more information, see our complete list of We Can! tools and resources. You may need to download Adobe Readerexternal disclaimer, Flash Playerexternal disclaimer, Real Playerexternal disclaimer, the Powerpoint Viewer for Macexternal disclaimer or Powerpoint Viewer for PCexternal disclaimer to use these resources.

  • We Can! Fact Sheetpdf document icon (642 KB): Offers a two-page overview of the program
  • We Can! Partner Presentationpowerpoint document icon (1.3 MB): Provides background information for community sites to use to introduce potential partners and stakeholders to the We Can! program
  • We Can! Program Brochurepdf document icon (240 KB): Includes basic program information as well as practical tips on eating and physical activity
  • We Can! Animation : Provides a 60-second overview of problems associated with obesity and solutions offered by the program
  • Healthy Weight Community Outreach Initiative: 2004 Strategy Development Workshop Report: Provides a summary of a two-day strategy development workshop on which the program is based
  • We Can! 2010 Strategy Development Workshops Reportpdf document icon (1.5 MB): Details topics discussed during the 2010 Strategy Development Workshops, and provides key recommendations for the program's future
  • We Can! Progress Reportpdf document icon (4 MB): Summarizes an evaluation of the program as launched by the first 14 intensive community sites

Last Updated: February 13, 2013