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Suggested Environment Searches

Endangered & Threatened Species

813 documents in the last year

The Endangered Species Act is designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a consequence of economic growth and development. The Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration have primary responsibility to...

Taking of Marine Mammals

239 documents in the last year

The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 and implementing regulations generally prohibit taking or harming marine mammals, and impose restrictions on the import, export, and sale of marine mammals and mammal parts or products within the United States. The Fish and...

Fishery Management

1435 documents in the last year

U.S. fisheries are governed by regulations issued under the Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The regulatory regime conserves fishery resources, supports enforcement of international fishing agreements, promotes conservation principles, and...

Parks & Recreation

792 documents in the last year

National parks, monuments, forests, recreation areas, wilderness areas, and other public lands are administered by various Federal agencies, including the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture. They issue regulations and other actions to protect the land, preserve...

Migratory Bird Protection

72 documents in the last year

Clean Air Act -- State Implementation Plans

546 documents in the last year

Community Right-to-Know

30 documents in the last year

Oil & Hazardous Substances Pollution Response

56 documents in the last year

Pesticide Tolerances

64 documents in the last year

State Hazardous Waste Management Program

20 documents in the last year

Toxic Substances Control

134 documents in the last year

Underground Storage Tank Program

9 documents in the last year

Public Land Orders

1 documents in the last year

National Register of Historic Places

60 documents in the last year

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

117 documents in the last year

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