The Legislative Process - How A Bill Becomes An Ordinance

Flow chart of how a bill becomes an ordinance

Processing of Bills

  1. Every bill shall be passed only after two (2) readings on separate days by a majority of all Councilmembers or by at least five (5) Councilmembers, as the case may be.
  2. Bills that require review or amendment may be referred to the respective Council Committee or the Administration.
  3. Digests of bills passing first reading shall be advertised once in a newspaper of general circulation in the County.
  4. A public hearing shall be held on all bills. If there has been significant amendments made to the bill, the Council or Committee may request another public hearing on the bill.
  5. Every bill which has passed the Council and has been duly authenticated by the County Clerk and the presiding officer shall be presented to the Mayor for approval or disapproval.