Federal Records Management

Automated Electronic Records Management Plan

NARA developed the Automated Electronic Records Management Report/Plan in response to Goal A3.1 of the Managing Government Records Directive.

NARA described the plan as a living document and created this website to share information about the plan ideas as they mature. NARA welcomes engagement by agencies and stakeholders on these ideas regarding automatic electronic records management.

The plan contained a framework of three areas - Governance, Procurement, and Technology - and listed several items under each area. To learn more about these ideas, please explore the available information below. NARA will provide updates and additional information as ideas are further identified and explored.

Governance Procurement Technology
Records Management Line of Business Establishment

Electronic Records Management Requirements Issuance

Metadata Guidance

Standards Development

Communities of Interest

Agency Engagement

Senior Agency Official Engagement
Budget Planning

Shared Services Exploration

Centralized Contract Vehicle Creation

Electronic Records Management Contract Language

Development Market Research Continuation
Open source records management tools

Digital processing environment prototypes and technical specification

Capstone email pilots