Due to the lapse in appropriations, Department of Justice websites will not be regularly updated. The Department’s essential law enforcement and national security functions will continue. Please refer to the Department of Justice’s contingency plan for more information.


OIP regularly conducts training sessions throughout the year on all aspects of the FOIA and on a wide variety of FOIA related topics, including yearly training (offered in connection with the Office of Legal Education), specialized training sessions, as well as public training events, meetings, and town halls. Descriptions of these sessions as well as training materials, such as slide presentations and handouts accompanying OIP’s most popular programs, are provided below. Feel free to contact OIP if your agency is interested in specialized FOIA training.

 Email Updates

Digital FOIA Training Resources

OIP has developed a suite of FOIA resources designed to train all levels of the federal workforce to understand their FOIA responsibilities. These resources were developed as part of our commitments in the U.S. Second Open Government National Action Plan, as well as the Department’s Open Government Plan 3.0Please note that subsequent to the development of these resources the FOIA was amended by the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016.  Agencies should use these resources in conjunction with OIP’s Summary of the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 and the implementing guidance issued on OIP’s guidance page.

Memorandum from Acting Associate Attorney General Stuart Delery to Agency General Counsels and Chief FOIA Officers of Executive Departments and Agencies Regarding Freedom of Information Act Training

OIP's collection of training tools are designed to help ensure that these important resources are available for all federal employees -- from the senior executive, to agency program personnel, to the FOIA professionals responsible for processing records for disclosure. These resources are listed below alongside links and instructions for how to access them: 

  • FOIA Infographic - A one page handout covering FOIA basics for all employees new to the federal workforce.
  • Senior Executive Briefing - A short video from the Director of OIP for agency senior executives, providing a general overview of the FOIA and emphasizing the importance of their support to their agency's FOIA program. This video is available on both the Justice Department website (available to view and download) and on the Justice Department's YouTube channel.
  • FOIA e-Learning Modules - Two modules designed for use in agency e-Learning systems. The first module is an in-depth course specifically designed for FOIA professionals, addressing all of the major procedural and substantive requirements of the law. The second is a brief module designed for all federal employees that provides a primer on the FOIA and highlights ways in which they can assist their agency in the administration of the law.

To obtain the two FOIA e-Learning modules on CD for direct upload into your agency’s Learning Management System (SCORM 1.2 LMS ready), please contact OIP's Training Coordinator at DOJ.OIP.FOIA@usdoj.gov. Once you are sent the CD, please provide it to your agency’s e-Learning staff as the courses will have to be uploaded into the Learning Management System before they can be taken by agency staff.

If your agency has access to an FTP server that can be used electronically to send you these modules, please contact Andy Anderson at aca.anderson@usdoj.gov.

Yearly training courses Offered by OIP and OLE

Training is open to federal government employees only and registration is required. To register for any of the training seminars listed below, please visit OIP's Eventbrite page to select the course and date you would like to attend.  Please register for all training sessions using your government email address.  Please note that registration for each course opens no earlier than three months in advance.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite.  OIP will email materials shortly before the course date.       

Additionally, please contact OIP's Training Coordinator if you require any special accommodations such as a sign language interpreter. In order to arrange for such accommodations, we ask that you provide this notice at least five (5) business days in advance of the training. 

All sessions, unless otherwise noted, are held in Washington, DC at a DOJ facility. Once the capacity for each session has been reached, a waiting list will be started and you will be notified when attempting to register. If space becomes available, you will be sent an email from Eventbrite providing you a short period of time to confirm your spot in the class. If you are placed on the waitlist, please note that space may not become available until a day or so leading up to the program; OIP’s Training Staff will advise you of any change in your registration status as soon as possible.

 All full-day or multi-day courses generally begin at 9:00 am and end by 4:30 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact OIP's Training Coordinator at (202) 514-FOIA (3642).

Introduction to the Freedom of Information Act 

This full-day program provides attendees with a basic overview of the FOIA as well as a hands-on workshop focused on the procedural requirements involved in processing a FOIA request from start to finish, including:

  • An overview of the FOIA’s procedural requirements,
  • an overview of FOIA exemptions,
  • basic principles for processing FOIA requests from start to finish, 
  • communicating with requesters,
  • searching for and reviewing documents, and
  • preparing final determinations and responses.

This course is intended for:

  • FOIA Professionals with less than 1 year of experience,
  • FOIA professionals responsible for processing requests, and
  • agency personnel who work with FOIA only occasionally or need a general familiarity with the FOIA in order to recognize and handle FOIA-related issues.

FY 2019 Dates:

The Freedom of Information Act for Attorneys and Access Professionals

This two-day program provides multiple lectures and workshops for a comprehensive overview of the FOIA, including:

  • An overview of the FOIA’s procedural requirements and exemptions,
  • workshops on individual FOIA Exemptions,
  • basic principles for processing FOIA requests from start to finish,
  • the FOIA’s proactive disclosure requirements, and
  • the interface between the FOIA and the Privacy Act.

This course is intended for:

  • FOIA professionals with any level of experience seeking a detailed training all major aspects of FOIA administration, and
  • any other agency professionals who interact with the FOIA as a part of their duties, including paralegals, records managers, and attorneys.

FY 2019 Dates: 

Advanced Freedom of Information Act Seminar

This full-day program provides lectures and discussions on advanced topics in FOIA administration, including:

  • An update of current policy developments impacting FOIA administration,
  • an overview of recent FOIA court decisions,
  • advanced procedural and exemption considerations.

This course is intended for:

  • FOIA professionals with more than 5 years of experience, and
  • supervisory officials of agency FOIA programs.

FY 2019 Dates:

FOIA Litigation Seminar

This full-day program provides lectures and instruction on considerations that arise in the course of FOIA litigation, including:

  • Guidance on successful litigation strategy,
  • advanced litigation considerations, and
  • details on the preparation of Vaughn Indices and declarations.

 This course is intended for:

  • Attorneys who handle FOIA litigation, and
  • FOIA professionals who handle FOIA requests in litigation and/or work on FOIA litigation matters.

FY 2019 Dates:

Continuing FOIA Education

This full-day program provides a discussion of current topics in FOIA administration, including:

  • An update of current legal and policy developments impacting FOIA administration, and
  • an overview of recent FOIA court decisions.

 This course is intended for:

  • FOIA professionals with who have already received FOIA training and who are looking for a refresher on current topics.

FY 2019 Dates: 

FOIA Reports Refresher Trainings 

These two-hour courses provide overviews of the agency Annual FOIA Report and Chief FOIA Officer Report, including:

  • Requirements for completing and submitting agency Annual FOIA Reports in accordance with the FOIA and DOJ guidance, and
  • Requirements for agency Chief FOIA Officer Reports, which are updated and issued each year by OIP.    

These courses are intended for:

  • FOIA professionals who are responsible for completing or contributing to their agency's Annual FOIA Report or Chief FOIA Officer Report.

FY 2019 Dates:



Specialized Training Seminars

As the government’s lead FOIA policy office, OIP continues to offer specialized training on FOIA matters throughout the year. These training seminars focus on selected FOIA provisions, recent court decisions, and refresher courses on the FOIA’s reporting requirements. Whenever OIP decides to hold a specialized training seminar, there will be an announcement in FOIA Post with details on the type of training and its location.


Public Training Events, Meetings, And Town Halls

OIP holds various types of events, meetings, and town halls, to bring together agency personnel and the requester community. These events help facilitate dialogue between agency FOIA professionals and FOIA requesters in order to make the administration of the FOIA work better for all parties involved. Whenever OIP decides to hold a public training event or meeting, there will be an announcement in FOIA Post with details on the type of event and its location.


Updated December 21, 2018

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