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Detailed. Perceptive. Always Vigilant.

Position Designation (PD)

Position designation assesses duties and responsibilities of a position to determine the potential damage resulting from the misconduct of an individual occupying the position. Parts 1400 and 731 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations establish the requirements for designating the risk and sensitivity of positions covered by those regulations. Designating positions using the Position Designation Automated Tool (PDT) determines the level of investigative vetting required for a position. Proper position designation is the foundation for an effective and consistent suitability and personnel security program. This half-day training course is intended for individuals involved in assessing risk and sensitivity to determine the appropriate investigative requirements of the position.


NBIB Training Center
Arlington, VA 22202

Upon completion of the course, attendees will:

  • Identify the regulatory guidance requiring position designations
  • Recognize the criteria used to render an appropriate position designation
  • Recognize position duty examples that might impact risk and sensitivity designations
  • Use the PDT to designate positions


There are no prerequisites for this course.



Class Schedule:

Time: 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM


  • January 17, 2019
  • February 7, 2019
  • March 7, 2019


To sign up for this training, please fill out this registration form and email it to [Do not forget to indicate which training dates you prefer on your registration form.]