Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan

The Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan


The Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan was adopted in March 2010.  


Lihue is Kauai's administrative, business, and transportation center, and was identified as the "Heart" of Kauai in the General Plan 2000 Update.  The Plan guides the revitalization of Lihue by establishing special planning areas that provide recommendations for mixed-use zoning, historic preservation, building design, and streetscaping.  Guidelines for improved vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation are also included.
For more information, please contact the Long-range Planning Division of the Planning Department at 241-4050.


The Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan, Ordinance 894, was adopted by Council on March 4, 2010.

Special Planning Areas D, E, F and G are now in effect.  Please contact the Planning Department for more information on the new design guidelines and development standards for the special planning areas.


Public Workshop at Council Chambers - Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 9:00AM

A public workshop for the Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan will be held at County Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 9:00 am.  Anyone may attend and comment on the plan.


Presentation and Public Hearing at Planning Commission - Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan Ordinance will be presented to Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 1:30 pm or shortly thereafter in the Planning Commission Room at the County's Civic Center.  Anyone may attend and comment on the plan.  Feel free to send e-mail comments to regarding the plan by Friday, September 18th. 

Lihue Town Core Urban Design Plan

Cover page and Ordinance 2.14 MB
Table of Contents and Chapter 1Introduction3.30 MB
Chapter 2Vision for the Lihue Town Core148.37 KB
Chapter 3, Part AProject Setting, Pages 3-1 to 3-213.79 MB
Chapter 3, Part BProject Setting, Pages 3-22 to 3-609.65 MB
Chapter 4General Design Guidelines For All Town Core Neighborhoods6.91 MB
Chapter 5Neighborhood-specific Design Guidelines6.66 MB
Chapter 6Implementation Plan 141.88 KB
Chapter 7 References and Sources59.20 KB
Appendices A-D 3.81 MB
Appendices E-F 9.80 MB

Public Meetings

Public Meeting #1January 26, 2005
Public Meeting #2May 11, 2005