Rehabilitation Medicine: Clinical Trials

The NICHD conducts and supports a variety of clinical research related to rehabilitation medicine. Select a link below to learn more about these projects.

Featured NICHD Clinical Trials

  • Anger Self-Management in Traumatic Brain Injury (ASMT)
    This is a three-center randomized, controlled trial, intended to test the usefulness of a novel treatment approach called Anger Self-Management Training (ASMT) in controlling anger and irritability in community dwelling persons with traumatic brain injury in comparison with a treatment offering supportive therapy focused on personal readjustment and education, the PRE (Personal Readjustment and Education).
  • Telerehabilitation in the Home Versus Therapy In-Clinic for Patients With Stroke
    This randomized, controlled trial will test the effectiveness of a novel home-based telehealth system designed to improve motor recovery and patient education after stroke. A minimum of 124 subjects will be randomized to 6 weeks of intensive arm motor therapy (a) in a traditional in-clinic setting or (b) via in-home telerehabilitation. Subjects in both treatment arms will receive 36 sessions, 80 minutes each, over 6 weeks. The primary end point is within-subject change in the arm motor Fugl-Meyer (FM) score from baseline to 30 day follow-up.
  • Muscle Regrowth During Physical and Amino Acid Supplementation
    This trial will examine mechanisms of protein catabolism in individuals who have had total knee arthroplasty and will explore whether a combination of increased intake and of essential amino acids and physical therapy can counteract this effect.
  • Children with Hemiparesis Arm and Hand Movement Project (CHAMP Study)
    Most traditional forms of therapy, although widely used, are ineffective in improving function in children with cerebral palsy. This study will test the effectiveness of a multi-site, randomized, controlled trial of pediatric Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) in improving neuromotor function of young children with unilateral cerebral palsy.
  • Progressive Rehabilitation Following Total Knee Arthroplasty (PROG)
    In this study, the investigators will evaluate the effectiveness of a progressive resistance rehabilitation program (PROG) after total knee arthroplasty compared to a traditional rehabilitation program. PROG involves progressive resistance exercise and faster progression to functional strengthening exercises than traditional methods.
  • Arm Rehabilitation Study After Stroke (ICARE)
    This study compared an experimental upper extremity rehabilitation program administered for 30 hours (three 1-hour session three times a week for 10 weeks) with a dose-equivalent (i.e., 30 hours) usual and customary arm therapy program and a usual and customary practice arm therapy comparator group. The primary aim was to compare a fully defined, hybrid combination of the most effective interventions, the Accelerated Skill Acquisition Program (ASAP), to an equivalent dose of usual and customary outpatient therapy.

NICHD Clinical Trials Search Results

Information on current NIH-sponsored clinical trials is available by following the link below or by calling 800-411-1222.

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