Western Hemisphere

Date: 02/10/2014 Description: Costa Rican Police participate in training exercise - State Dept Image Date: 02/10/2014 Description: Costa Rican Police participate in anti-domestic violence training - State Dept Image Date: 02/10/2014 Description: Assistant Secretary Brownfield pictured with youth baseball players in the Dominican Republic - State Dept Image

The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs works to minimize the impact of transnational crime and illegal drugs on the United States, its citizens, and partner nations by providing effective foreign assistance and fostering greater bilateral and multilateral law enforcement and rule of law cooperation. INL develops policies and manages programs to help partner countries in the Western Hemisphere strengthen law enforcement and other criminal justice capabilities so their governments can more effectively combat international narcotics production and trafficking, combat transnational organized crime, and enhance citizen security.

INL implements its mission through a comprehensive range of bilateral, regional, and global initiatives and assistance programs to set international counter drug and anti-crime standards, foster cooperation among states, and build up the law enforcement capacity of foreign governments. The programs enable foreign governments in the Western Hemisphere to act directly against traffickers and other criminal actors and cooperate more effectively with U.S. law enforcement agencies. INL also coordinates policy and programs with other U.S. Government agencies involved in international narcotics control and crime activities, including the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Department of Treasury, and USAID.

Regional Initiatives

The Caribbean Basin Security Initiative

The Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) is the latest pillar of the U.S. government’s hemispheric focus on citizen security. CBSI is a partnership among members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Dominican Republic, and the United States to substantially reduce illicit trafficking, increase public safety and security, and promote social justice. The initiative promotes regional cooperation to address the shared threats of crime and illicit trafficking, and strengthens Caribbean partner nation capabilities and institutions, including maritime security, law enforcement, border and migration control, transnational crime, and criminal justice.

The Central American Regional Security Initiative

The Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) responds to the region’s threats and builds upon existing strategies and programs, both on a bilateral and regional basis. CARSI is the primary U.S. strategy and funding structure for United States citizen security assistance to Central America, and is a core component of the U.S. Strategy for Engagement in Central America. It is designed to stop the flow of narcotics, weapons, and bulk cash generated by illicit drug sales, and to address the root causes of insecurity, such as gangs and criminal organizations, which fuel high levels of violence and prompt migration out of the region. CARSI strengthens and integrates security efforts throughout Central America’s land and maritime territory. In partnership with Central American governments, CARSI establishes sustainable bilateral and regional programs to counter the northward flow of drugs, reduce levels of crime and violence including through community-based violence prevention, build the capacity of law enforcement and rule of law institutions, and combat endemic corruption.