What Is a CFDA Number?

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), an E-Gov initiative managed by the General Services Administration (GSA), is a list of all federal financial assistance and nonfinancial assistance programs available to a variety of applicants.

The CFDA, now called Assistance Listings on beta.SAM.gov, helps users find general information about the assistance, identify program objectives, eligibility requirements, and links to current opportunities on Grants.gov related to a particular assistance listing.

CFDA numbers are the system for identifying and sorting the 2,000+ federal programs. Each CFDA number contains five digits and appears in the following format: ##.### (e.g., 10.001 or 98.102).

What Is a Grant? Grants.gov Community Blog Series banner

GSA recently moved the CFDA from the now retired CFDA.gov to beta.SAM.gov, and it is now referred to as Assistance Listings.

To search the Assistance Listings, go to beta.SAM.gov, select the “Assistance Listings” option from the search drop-down menu, then type a keyword or number and click the Search button. Here’s a direct link to the Assistance Listings as well.

Continue reading What Is a CFDA Number?

Misconceptions about Government Grants | #GrantChat Highlights Part 2

What do you think of when you hear “government grants”? One thing we have learned as a program is this—a person or organization’s specific desires and goals shape how they re-define “government grants” so that they should receive funding. This re-defining of grants to suit ones needs has led to many misconceptions about what federal grants are actually for.

Misconceptions about government grants #grantchat

Continue reading Misconceptions about Government Grants | #GrantChat Highlights Part 2

What Is an Award?

When you hear the word “award,” do you envision the federal government conferring funding to you to implement a public-serving project? Some of you grant professionals did, but it is understandable if you thought of this year’s Best Film, the league MVP debate, or your child’s T-ball participation trophy.

What Is a Grant? Grants.gov Community Blog Series banner

Continue reading What Is an Award?

#FundingFriday: Top 5 Most Viewed Grants in May (19th-31st)

Earlier this month, we shared the most viewed grants through the first half month of May. Over the last two weeks of the month, have these trends continued? Below are the top 5 for May 19-31.

Funding Friday icon

Continue reading #FundingFriday: Top 5 Most Viewed Grants in May (19th-31st)

What Is a Block Grant? [Updated]

A block grant is a specific type of federal financial assistance for a broadly defined function. Before getting into the nuance of block grants, it may be helpful to know what we mean by the terms “federal financial assistance” and “grant.”

Block grants are primarily awarded by the federal government to U.S. state or territory governments, although some block grants are awarded directly to local governments (e.g., Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program to cities and counties on a formula basis). The block grant recipients then implement the programs within those broadly defined functions (i.e., the purpose & parameters defined by legislation).

What Is a Grant? Grants.gov Community Blog Series banner

Continue reading What Is a Block Grant? [Updated]

What Is the Difference Between Grants.gov and Benefits.gov? #ReplyAll

Every month, Grants.gov receives a significant amount of queries from users hoping to apply for personal financial assistance from the federal government. These individuals might be looking for home repair grants or forms of disability assistance.

Others are unfortunately driven to Grants.gov by scam artists posing as agents of Grants.gov (or some made-up variant) who promise “free government grants” in exchange for monthly fees or gift cards.

What is the difference between Grants.gov and Benefits.gov?

Continue reading What Is the Difference Between Grants.gov and Benefits.gov? #ReplyAll

What Is Federal Financial Assistance?

Federal financial assistance is the transfer of anything of value, most often money, from a federal agency to a non-federal entity. In the most general sense, federal financial assistance is a tool the government uses to serve public purposes as defined by Congress.

Federal financial assistance is a very broad term, and it can take on a variety of more precise forms. One of the most common forms is a grant, which we write about quite often on this blog. Continue reading What Is Federal Financial Assistance?

#FundingFriday: Top 5 Most Viewed Grants of Last 2 Weeks

These federal funding opportunities have been viewed thousands of times over the last two weeks by prospective grant applicants. Are you ready to apply for these? Continue reading #FundingFriday: Top 5 Most Viewed Grants of Last 2 Weeks

Where Do Grants Go? Awards, USAspending.gov, and the DATA Act

Lots of grants are awarded by different grant-making agencies each year, so you may wonder—where do the grants go? Who receives the funding?

These are important questions. We will begin to answer them here, and we will also tell you where you can find more specific answers.

Character asking the question, "So, where do grants go after the funding opportunity closes on Grants.gov?"

Continue reading Where Do Grants Go? Awards, USAspending.gov, and the DATA Act

#FundingFriday Highlights: Recent U.S. Government Grants Posted on Grants.gov

Every week, federal agencies publish grant announcements on Grants.gov. Below, we highlight new funding opportunities from the Department of the Interior, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, NASA, and the Department of Energy.

Funding Friday icon

1. Department of the Interior – Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requests interested entities to submit restoration, research and Regional Project proposals for the restoration of the Great Lakes Basin fish and wildlife resources, as authorized under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act (16 USC 941c). The purpose of the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act (GLFWRA) is to provide assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of the fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin.
Continue reading #FundingFriday Highlights: Recent U.S. Government Grants Posted on Grants.gov