Application Process, Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research

How Do I Apply?

  • Submit an electronic Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research application. The online application is available at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Intramural Training and Education. Follow the "Student" link to access the "Student Programs" main page.

    Returning students with prior NIAID or NIH experience must also complete the online application.

  • Make sure you meet all of the minimum requirements of the program before you fill out an application.
  • Select one of the following from the drop down list on the application to apply specifically to NIAID:

  • Read and follow all directions carefully. Take note of any specific instructions and make sure you follow through when you are assembling your application.
  • Make sure that your application is complete before submitting it online. Thoroughly recheck it before clicking the "submit" button.
    • You can save the application before submitting; this way you will not have to restart your application process if you want to complete it in increments. Note: NIAID Principal Investigators can’t view an incomplete application.

  • Submit your application in a timely manner; your application can be viewed by Principal Investigators as soon as you submit it. It’s to your advantage to submit an application early and to have reference letters submitted.

If you apply prior to receiving your Fall grades, you can update your application to include those grades.

Helpful Hints for Applying

  • Proofread your application and cover letter carefully.
  • Select two people for references who have direct knowledge of your scientific interest and abilities.
  • Apply early and apply well! Your complete application is viewable from the moment you submit it. For further advice and tips on constructing a strong application, please visit our "Helpful Hints For Creating A Strong Application."

What Are My Next Steps?

  • Follow up with each of your references to make sure they have posted their letters of recommendation.
  • Review the list of NIAID Division of Intramural Research laboratory descriptions to determine which laboratories interest you. You can also access research abstracts by going to NIH Annual Reports.
  • If there is a particular NIAID researcher with whom you wish to work, or once you have identified the laboratory(s) for which you would like to intern and both of your reference letters have been posted, send a cover letter in the form of an email to the Principal Investigator of the lab(s) that most interests you (contact information for all NIAID researchers is in the NIH Directory).
    • If after reviewing your application and letters of reference the PI is interested in you, they will contact you directly to arrange a time for a telephone interview. (To prepare read, Phone Interviewing for Internships.)

  • If you applied before receiving your Fall grades, be sure to update your application to include those grades.
Content last reviewed on January 10, 2012