Connect with NIAID

Explore NIAID new media and online tools to get the latest health information when and where you choose.

NIAID continues to embrace technology as an efficient and effective means to communicate with the general public, physicians and healthcare providers, the biomedical community, academia, state and local governments both national and international, and constituents and other specialized groups. Providing health and research information in various electronic formats and through multiple technologies helps NIAID deliver information when and where people choose.

To continue to provide easily accessible information, NIAID has embraced "Web 2.0" technologies that focus on engagement, online communities, collaboration, and innovative applications. Using these media tools, NIAID reinforces health research messages, reaches new audiences, and builds a communication infrastructure based on open information exchange.

NIAID ongoing innovative e-health communication activities include the following:


Facebook is a social media site NIAID uses to share and discuss posts, images, videos, and other updates to Facebook users who "like" our page. See our comment policy.


Flickr is an image-sharing website. NIAID uses Flickr to post illustrations, research images, lab findings, educational images, and event promotions and campaigns. See our Copyright and Reuse policy.


GovDelivery is an online subscription service that allows you to subscribe to updates about health and research topics. Receive email when new information on specific topics is posted by signing up for NIAID GovDelivery email notification service.


LinkedIn is a social media platform used for professional development and networking. NIAID uses LinkedIn to post jobs and to discuss career development opportunities. See our latest open job notices.


Podcasts allow you to use your computer to watch or download audio and video podcasts that focus on timely health messages and public health trainings presented in an easily accessible format. There are audio and video podcasts throughout the NIAID website; a complete list can be found on NIH VideoCasting and Podcasting.


Twitter, a "micro-blog," allows NIAID to broadcast short messages, or "tweets," that are limited to 140 characters. Follow us at NIAID News, NIAID Careers, and NIAID Funding.


YouTube is a video-sharing website. NIAID uses YouTube to post recruitment videos highlighting scientific research and recruitment opportunities. View NIAID videos.


Webinars provide a cost-effective forum for training as well as conferences and presentations, and NIAID has increased dissemination of educational and training materials using this new communication technology. Webinars will be listed on the NIAID Events page when they are available.

Content Syndication

NIAID Web content syndication service allows partners—including federal public health agencies, state and local public health departments, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and commercial organizations—to syndicate NIAID and other government Web content directly into their own websites. Visitors to the partner's website have access to NIAID content without leaving the partner's site.

Get a list of pages available for syndication from the HHS storefront.

NIAID Third Party Website Disclaimer

Content last reviewed on February 14, 2014