Other Social Media

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GSA News Releases: Official agency news releases issued by the Office of Communications and Marketing Press Office
GSA Web News: Highlights major agency initiatives, policies, and business opportunities.
Speeches by the GSA Administrator: Speeches as prepared for delivery at major events, seminars, and agency functions.
USA.gov: News and features from the U.S. government, frequently asked questions, health, money, and consumer news, and more from the Federal Citizen Information Center.
GobiernoUSA.gov: Government news in Spanish on topics such as health, consumer protection, immigration, social security and more.
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Instagram: Mobile photo and video sharing. Tag @usgsa in your pictures of federal buildings, courthouses and GSA events.
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Watch GSA's Videos: All are captioned for easy accessibility. The videos show how GSA has taken up the president's challenge to save money, open up the government, and build a more sustainable future for the American people.
USAgov: The official YouTube channel of USA.gov and the U.S. Government, linking you to videos across government.
GobiernoUSA.gov: The official channel of the U.S. Government in Spanish featuring videos from across government.
DigitalGov: SocialGov, training and more.
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GSA Company Page: Updates from the company on business opportunities, job listings and more.
GSA & VA Schedule Contracting: Developing professional relationships to promote streamlined procurement options for federal customers.
GSA PBS Industry Relations: Dedicated to strengthening communications with industry and supporting the achievement of large/small business goals.
GSA IWACenter: Developing professional relationships to promote streamlined procurement options for federal customers.
GSA Office of Information Technology Category: We are responsible for providing access to best-value information technology (IT) and telecommunications products, services, and solutions to federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies.
18F: Stay up to date on 18F projects, job listings and more.
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