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D. Peter Drotman, MD, MPH

D. Peter Drotman, MD, MPHEditor-in-Chief

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Peter Drotman started his career at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer. Before arriving at CDC, he served in the WHO Smallpox Eradication Programme, assisting in the successful effort to eradicate variola major from Bangladesh. At CDC, he was a founding scientist in the National Center for Environmental Health and later served as assistant director for Public Health and Science, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. He has a broad background in clinical practice, public health, infectious diseases, and epidemiologic science and holds appointments as clinical assistant professor in the Departments of Medicine and Family and Preventive Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Drotman was inducted into the UCLA School of Public Health Alumni Hall of Fame in 2010.

Paul M. Arguin, MD

Paul M. Arguin, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Paul Arguin first came to CDC as an EIS officer in the Viral and Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch, working on rabies. His career has included being the Territorial Epidemiologist for the U.S. Virgin Islands and Chief of the Geographic Medicine Branch in the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine at CDC. He is currently the Chief of the Domestic Response Unit in CDC's Malaria Branch and is an editor of Health Information for International Travel, also known as The Yellow Book. His research interests include the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases associated with international travel, including malaria and zoonoses.

Charles Ben Beard, BS, MS, PhD

Charles Ben Beard, MS, PhD Associate Editor

Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

Charles Benjamin (Ben) Beard earned a B.S. in 1980 at Auburn University, a M.S. in 1983 at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine, and a Ph.D. in 1987 at the University of Florida. He served as a post-doctoral fellow and as an associate research scientist at Yale University School of Medicine from 1987 to 1991. In 1991, he joined the Division of Parasitic Diseases at CDC, where he conducted applied research on the prevention and control of malaria and Chagas disease, and studied the epidemiology of Pneumocystis pneumonia in persons with AIDS. From 1999 to 2003 he served as Chief of the Vector Genetics Section in the Entomology Branch of the Division of Parasitic Diseases before joining CDC's Division of Vector-borne Diseases in Fort Collins, CO, in 2003 where he serves as Chief of the Bacterial Diseases Branch and coordinates CDC's national programs on Lyme disease, plague, and tularemia. During his tenure at CDC, Ben has worked mostly in tropical medicine and international health. More recently he has been involved coordinating CDC's work in understanding and mitigating the potential impact of climate variability and change on infectious disease ecology and was appointed as the Associate Director for Climate Change in CDC's National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases. He has published over 100 scientific papers, books, and book chapters collectively, and has served on a variety of committees and panels both inside and outside of CDC. He has served as an Associate Editor for Emerging Infectious Diseases since 2006 and is a past president of the Society for Vector Ecology.

Ermias Belay, MD

Ermias Belay, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Ermias D. Belay is an Associate Director for Epidemiologic Science for the Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He helped establish various aspects of CDC's nationwide prion disease surveillance programs, and directs CJD case and cluster investigations related to its iatrogenic transmission and the zoonotic transmission of prion diseases. Dr. Belay’s career at CDC has also included working on influenza epidemiology, coordination of surveillance programs for Kawasaki syndrome and Reye syndrome, outbreak investigations of these diseases, and studies involving the identification of possible etiologic agents of Kawasaki syndrome. His area of interest extends to poxviruses, hemorrhagic fever viruses, and zoonotic transmission of infectious diseases. Dr. Belay was trained as a medical doctor and epidemiologist and first joined CDC in 1994 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer.

David M. Bell, MD

David M. Bell, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

David M. Bell MD is Associate Director for Epidemiologic Science, Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC.  During his 27 years at CDC, Dr. Bell has worked on respiratory and vaccine preventable viral diseases, HIV domestically and in Africa, pandemic influenza preparedness and response in the US and at the World Health Organization, viral hepatitis, hospital infections, antimicrobial resistance, cholera in Haiti, and SARS. He is an adjunct member of the pediatric infectious diseases faculty at Emory University School of Medicine, board certified in pediatric infectious diseases, and a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Dr. Bell received the A.B. degree from Princeton University and M.D. from Harvard Medical School. His training also included residency at Boston Children's Hospital, the Epidemic Intelligence Service Program at CDC, and fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Rochester.

Sharon Bloom

Sharon Bloom, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mary Brandt

Mary Brandt, MS, PhD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mary E Brandt, a native of Philadelphia PA, received a BS in 1976 from Chestnut Hill College, an MS in clinical microbiology in 1984 from Thomas Jefferson University, and a PhD in 1988 in microbiology and immunology from Temple University School of Medicine. She joined the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1991, and has been the Chief of the Mycotic Diseases Branch since 2006. She directs the CDC Fungus Reference Laboratory and the CDC mold identification training course. She is a mycology section editor of the Manual of Clinical Microbiology, as well as an associate editor of the journal Medical Mycology and an editorial board member of several related microbiology journals. She has an adjunct appointment as a Professor in the department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Emory University. Her research interests include the detection, identification and molecular epidemiology of medically important fungi.

Byron Breedlove

Byron Breedlove, MA Managing Senior Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Byron Breedlove previously worked in the Office of the Associate Director for Policy as a senior communications specialist. Before that, he served in the same capacity with the Office of Strategy and Innovation, arriving there from a lengthy detail performing communications and web content management for CDC’s Future’s Initiative. From 1998–2005, Byron worked in the Financial Management Office, where he was managing editor and developer for CDC’s Chief Financial Officer’s Annual Reports, the first consolidated CDC-wide annual document that provided an overview of prior-year accomplishments and audited financial statements. He spent the first 13 years of his CDC career in NCCDPHP, serving as managing editor of Chronic Disease Notes & Reports, editing technical and scientific manuscripts, coordinating Web clearances, working in varying capacities with the team that developed Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, and developing and overseeing digital prepress (desktop publishing) capabilities within NCCDPHP.

Before joining CDC, Byron was copy editor and special publications director for American Health Consultants, where he oversaw the publication of seven books and the start-up of a journal. His earlier career focused on teaching, including stints as a middle school teacher, a college instructor, and an ESL instructor. He is a past president of the Southeast Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association.

Corrie Brown, DVM, PhD

Corrie Brown, DVM, PhD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Corrie Brown is a professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Her interests include pathogenesis of infectious diseases, and building animal health infrastructure in the developing world. She has worked on animal health projects in over 30 countries. Prior to joining the University of Georgia she spent 10 years at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center where her focus was on transboundary animal diseases. She serves on numerous government and industry panels as well as several editorial boards.

Michel Drancourt, MD, PhD

Michel Drancourt, MD, PhD Associate Editor

Marseille, France

Michel Drancourt is a Professor of Microbiology in Marseille's Medical School, Mediterrannée University and the Director of Reseach Federative Institute on Microbiology, Marseille. Michel Drancourt's interests include advanced laboratory tools for the detection and identification of organisms. He has special expertise in the fields of paleomicrobiology, emerging pathogens, mycobacteria and plague. He serves on national and international review panels, is a Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Clinical Microbiology and Infection, and is a regular or intermittent reviewer for 10 scientific journals.

Paul V. Effler

Paul V. Effler, MPH, MD Associate Editor

Perth, Australia

Paul Effler received a Doctorate in Medicine from the University of California and a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Hawaii. After completing a residency in Public Health and Preventive Medicine, he served as an Officer in the Epidemic Intelligence Service at CDC and worked as a consultant to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Health Organization. For more than a decade he was the State Epidemiologist for Hawaii where he oversaw disease surveillance activities and directed the public health response to outbreaks of SARS, dengue fever, leptospirosis, murine typhus, measles, hepatitis A, and Escherichia coli O157. In 2008 he moved to Western Australia where he served as the State Human Epidemic Controller during the 2009 influenza pandemic; he currently manages WA's immunisation program and sees patients at a sexual health clinic.

David O. Freedman

David O. Freedman, MD Associate Editor

Birmingham, AL, USA

Dr Freedman is Professor Emeritus of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a founding director of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network which monitors trends in morbidity in travelers in migrants at 65 sentinel sites on 6 continents. Trained in infectious diseases, clinical tropical medicine, and immunoparasitology, he founded and teaches in the Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine in Lima, Peru. He serves on the Roster of Experts for the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organization and was a member of the WHO Expert Committee on Zika.  He is a co-author of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines on Travel Medicine and is co-editor of the textbook, Travel Medicine. He was Chair, Expert Advisory Panel on Parasitic Disease Therapy, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) from 1995–2000 and is a Past-President of the Clinical Group of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Peter Gerner-Smidt, MD, DMS

Peter Gerner-Smidt, MD, DMS Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Peter Gerner-Smidt is a Danish MD with specialization in clinical microbiology currently heading the Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch in the Division for Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases at CDC. He is the chairman of the PulseNet International Steering committee and a member of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections network steering committee. Before moving to the United States in 2004, he was the Head of the Danish Reference Centre for Enteric Pathogens and Listeria at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen from 1995- 2004. He was a member of the coordinating group for the Danish Zoonosis Centre and Danish representative in EnterNet, the European network for surveillance of Salmonella, VTEC and Campylobacter 1995–2004 serving on the steering committee from 2001–2004. His research interests are the epidemiology, including subtyping, and identification of foodborne, zoonotic and enteric bacterial pathogens.

Stephen Hadler, MD

Stephen Hadler, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Dr. Hadler is currently Deputy Director, Division of Bacterial Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. He graduated from New York University Medical School and completed residency and served as Chief Resident in Internal Medicine at Kings County/Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. Subsequently he began a 34 year career as a medical epidemiologist, primarily at CDC Atlanta. He worked for 12 years in Hepatitis Division; for 7 years with National Immunization Program, serving as Chief, Epidemiology and Surveillance Division; and for 8 years with Global Immunization Division, through May 2005, including 2 ½ years seconded to WHO Pakistan for polio eradication. From May 2005 – Dec 2008, he worked in WHO China office, focusing on hepatitis B prevention (China GAVI project) and introduction of new vaccines. Dr. Hadler rejoined CDC in March 2009 as Deputy Director, Division of Bacterial Diseases. Dr. Hadler is Board certified in Internal Medicine. He has published over 120 scientific articles and book chapters. He is recipient of CDCs Philip R. Horne Award for immunization, and the Public Health Service Distinguished Service Medal. He also served as Executive Secretary for the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Strongest interests include prevention of diseases through vaccination, both in the U.S. and globally.

Matthew J. Kuehnert

Matthew J. Kuehnert, MD Associate Editor

Edison, New Jersey, USA

Matt Kuehnert is medical director of the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF), the nation’s largest tissue bank. Previously, Dr. Kuehnert spent 20 years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he most recently served as Director of the Office of Blood, Organ, and Other Tissue Safety (BOOTS). He joined the CDC as an epidemic intelligence officer in 1996 and has served in many infectious disease-related public health responses during his tenure at the agency, including Anthrax, West Nile, Monkey Pox, Ebola virus, and most recently, Zika virus.

In 2006, he was named director of the CDC Office of BOOTS, coordinating investigations, surveillance, and policy to improve transfusion and transplant outcomes and create public health interventions to ensure patient safety. At BOOTS, he was the senior author of Public Health Service guidelines in organ transplantation, which resulted in the use of Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing for organ donor screening of HIV and Hepatitis C, an advanced safety method for detecting early infection in blood specimens.

Kuehnert also helped establish an investigation notification system for organ transplant-transmitted infections and a surveillance system for transfusion-associated adverse events. A graduate of Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kuehnert completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Stanford University and the University of California at San Francisco, respectively, and completed an infectious disease fellowship at Emory University.

Nina Marano, DVM, MPH

Nina Marano, DVM, MPH Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Nina Marano trained in veterinary medicine at the University of Georgia and in public health at Emory University. She is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Since 1998 Dr. Marano has been a medical epidemiologist at CDC, first with the Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch working on antimicrobial resistance, and then with the Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch as the principal investigator for the Anthrax Vaccine Research Program. From 2004-2006, to help CDC better respond to zoonotic disease outbreaks, Dr Marano served as CDC's veterinary public health liaison to forge new partnerships with the veterinary medical community, resulting in collaborations with the World Organization for Animal Health, the National Wildlife Health Center and the development of a CDC-sponsored research program on influenza at the human-animal interface. In June 2006, she joined the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, first as the Branch Chief for the Travelers' Health and Animal Importation Branch and in July 2009 became the Branch Chief for the Quarantine and Border Health Services Branch. Her interests include the impact of globalization on the translocation of infectious diseases across international borders.

Martin I. Meltzer, PhD

Martin I. Meltzer, PhD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Martin Meltzer is senior health economist and distinguished consultant, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His research interests include cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses of health interventions and policy guidelines for use of health technologies, such as vaccines. Much of his work is multidisciplinary and has included modeling of potential responses to smallpox as a bioterrorist weapon; evaluating the cost effectiveness of Lyme disease and hepatitis A vaccination; assessing the economic impact of infectious diseases, from pandemic influenza to dengue; and modeling of raccoon rabies control by oral vaccine. He is involvement in the response to the 2009 influenza pandemic included providing frequent updates of estimates of impact of the pandemic and estimating the effectiveness of a number of different interventions. Dr. Meltzer has published more than 100 publications and has received many honors and awards, among them, CDC's Charles C. Shepard award and the James H. Nakano citation.

David Morens, MD

David Morens, MD Associate Editor

Bethesda, Maryland, USA

David Morens, medical historian and professor, University of Hawaii School of Medicine, since 1982, took academic leave of absence in 1999 to work at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Morens' research interests include viral disease pathogenesis, epidemiology, and the relationship between biomedical research and public health.

J. Glenn Morris, Jr., MD, MPH&TM

J. Glenn Morris, Jr., MD, MPH&TM Associate Editor

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Director, Emerging Pathogens Institute
Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)

University of Florida College of Medicine
Dr. Morris is Director of the Emerging Pathogens Institute (EPI) at the University of Florida, Gainesville, where he is also a Professor of Medicine specializing in Infectious Diseases. He received his MD and a master's degree in public health and tropical medicine from Tulane; his residency training was at University of Texas Southwestern (Dallas) and Emory University, with service as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. He is board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases. From 2000–2007 he served as Chairman of the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) School of Medicine, and from 2005–2007 was interim dean of the UMB School of Public Health. Dr. Morris has authored over 60 textbook chapters and symposium proceedings and over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has had continuous federal grant funding since 1984; his scholarly contributions were recognized by election to the American Society for Clinical Investigation in 1996. In 2005, he was awarded the James D. Bruce Memorial Award by the American College of Physicians for Distinguished Contributions in Preventive Medicine, in recognition of his work in food safety. He has served on five National Academy of Sciences expert committees dealing with food safety, and currently serves on the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board. He maintains an active research program in emerging pathogens and enteric diseases.

Patrice Nordmann, MD, PhD

Patrice Nordmann, MD, PhD Associate Editor

South-Paris Medical School, France

Patrice Nordmann is Professor of Medical Microbiology at the South-Paris Medical School, South Paris University, Chief of the Department of Microbiology at the hospital Bicêtre and Head of the INSERM research unit 914 Emerging Resistance to Antibiotics K. Bicêtre, Paris, France. Patrice Nordmann's interests include genetics, biochemistry, and epidemiology of emerging resistance to antibiotics, mostly in Gram negative organisms. He serves on many international committees and review panels and is on the editorial board of several journals including Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Didier Raoult, MD, PhD

Didier Raoult, MD, PhD Associate Editor

Marseilles, France

Didier Raoult is a professor in microbiology in Marseille Medical School and the director of the Research Unit in Infectious and Tropical Emerging Diseases (URMITE) which is associated with Aix-Marseille University, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and French Institute of Research and Development (IRD). He is also the director of the National Reference Center on intracellular bacteria such as Rickettsia, Coxiella, Bartonella, and Tropheryma whipplei. He has published more than 1,400 publications (h-index: 79). He was president of the Université de la Méditerranée and advisor to the French Ministry of Health on infectious diseases and bioterrorism. He has managed with his team the discovery or the additional description of more than 90 pathogenic bacteria for humans, as well as the discovery of the largest viruses known in the world. He has also cultured T. whipplei and highlighted that the Whipple's disease bacterium was actually a common cause of gastroenteritis in the child. His research interests include microbiogenomic, probiotics and paleomicrobiology. He has received the INSERM Grand Award in 2010.

Pierre E. Rollin, MD

Pierre E. Rollin, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Pierre Rollin started his career at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, working on rabies and viral hemorrhagic fevers in conjunction with overseas Pasteur Institutes. After serving a National Research Council fellowship at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, he joined the Special Pathogens Branch, Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He was directly involved in the discovery and characterization of a number of new and emerging diseases (such as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever, Marburg hemorrhagic fever, Sabia virus infection, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Rift Valley fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Nipah encephalitis, and most recently severe acute respiratory syndrome), their diagnosis in the laboratory and development of serologic tests, the management of outbreaks in the field (public health response, patient management, safety, diagnosis in the field, epidemiology, reservoir search), and the pathogenesis of disease in human and animal models. His research interests concern emerging zoonotic and arthropod borne infectious diseases with emphasis on public health response and prepardness.

Frank Sorvillo

Frank Sorvillo, MPH, MD Associate Editor

Los Angeles, California, USA

Frank Sorvillo is Professor In-Residence in the Department of Epidemiology at UCLA's School of Public Health and Acting Director of the Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology in the Department of Public Health, Los Angeles County. He also holds an appointment as Professor of Health Sciences at Trident University. His interests include the epidemiology and control of infectious diseases, particularly parasitic agents, and the application of epidemiologic methods to the study of infectious disease problems. His current research focuses on the pubic health impact of cysticercosis and trichomoniasis.

David H. Walker, MD

David H. Walker, MD Associate Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

David Walker is head of the Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pathology, and Carmage and Martha Walls Distinguished University Chair in Tropical Diseases at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. He began his scientific career at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he investigated Lassa fever pathogenesis in the original biosafety level 4 laboratory. While on the University of North Carolina faculty, he became an established National Institutes of Health–funded investigator of rickettsioses, conducted clinical studies of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and initiated a lifelong commitment as an educator. In the past two decades, he has pursued the study of ehrlichioses, participating in the discovery of human infections with Anaplasma phagocytophilum. He has devoted particular effort to technology transfer and clinical and epidemiologic investigations in China, Sicily, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, and Cameroon. In 1992, he elucidated the inhalational route of infection of 41 autopsied cases of anthrax in the 1979 Sverdlovsk event and continues to analyze pathology and causes of death in these cases. He is Principal Investigator of the NIH Western Regional Center of Excellence in Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases, a $105 million grant for the period 2003–2014. His research program focuses on mechanisms of immunity in animal models of rickettsioses, monocytotropic ehrlichioses, and scrub typhus.

Joseph E. McDade, PhD

Joseph E. McDade, PhD Founding Editor

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Joseph McDade, founding editor of Emerging Infectious Diseases spent most of his career at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as research microbiologist and eventually as deputy director, National Center for Infectious Diseases. Author of more than 100 scientific articles, Dr. McDade is best known for isolating and identifying Legionella pneumophila, the bacterium that causes Legionnaires' disease; for identifying the cause of ehrlichiosis, an emerging tickborne illness; and for directing research on Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q fever, and typhus.