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For you and your family
Standard mileage and other information

Forms and Instructions

Individual Tax Return
Instructions for Form 1040
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Certification
Request for Transcript of Tax Return


Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return
Employers engaged in a trade or business who pay compensation
Installment Agreement Request

Popular For Tax Pros

Amend/Fix Return
Apply for Power of Attorney
Apply for an ITIN
Rules Governing Practice before IRS

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

This page provides a listing of current and recent IRS sponsored customer satisfaction surveys and IRS taxpayer compliance burden surveys.

The IRS, as for all federal executive departments and agencies and their public websites, must comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) to ensure that information collected from the public, minimizes burden and maximizes public utility.

One of the principal requirements of the PRA is that organizations must have Office of Management and Budget approval before collecting information from the public (such as forms, general questionnaires, surveys, instructions and other types of information collections), and they must display the current OMB control number on the collection format.

IRS surveys conducted by mail, telephone and online provide the name of an IRS contact person and/or a helpline contact phone number. If you question the authenticity of the survey in any collection format, please review this page.

Summary information

N = National | NC = National, Campus | NT = National Territories | NS = National, Spanish

IRS Office Activity End date Method Area Frequency Vendor
Appeals Appeals contacts, cases closed during fiscal year survey period Ongoing Web, Phone (Call-out) N Quarterly ICF Macro, Inc.
Large Business and Int'l LB&I Exams 3/31/21 Phone N Annual PCG Enterprises, Inc.
LB&I LB&I Campaign Survey 3/31/21 Web N Annual PCG Enterprises, Inc.
LB&I Foreign Resident Compliance Exams 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Semi-annual PCG Enterprises, Inc.
LB&I & RAAS American Customer Satisfaction Index – Large Corporate Filing Process 10/31/21 Phone (Call-out) N Annual FCG, CFI Group, SSI
Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics (RAAS) Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey (ITB)

5/31/16 (2014 study)

5/31/14 (2015 study)

Mail N Annual Westat, Inc.
RAAS Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey (ITB) – mobile friendly 5/31/17 (2015 study) Mail N Annual Westat, Inc.
RAAS Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey (ITB) - Special FATCA Study 5/31/17 (2015 study) Mail N Annual Westat, Inc.
RAAS Business Compliance Burden Survey (BCB) 7/31/16 Mail N Triennial Westat, Inc.
RAAS Information Return Burden Survey IRB) 7/31/16 Mail N Triennial Westat, Inc.
RAAS Taxpayer Compliance Burden Survey (TCB) 12/31/15 Mail N Triennial Westat, Inc.
RAAS Comprehensive Taxpayer Attitude Survey 10/31/18

Phone (Call-out) and Online

N Annual PCG, MAXimum Research
Small Business/Self-Employed Private Collection Agency (PCA) 9/30/18 IVR Phone N Annual ICF
SB/SE Federal Employee/Retiree Delinquency Initiative (FERDI) Survey 6/29/2018 Online N (Federal Agencies) Once SB/SE Research Team 1
SB/SE Automated Collection System 9/30/17 Phone, (Call-in) NC Annual PCG Enterprises, Inc.
SB/SE ACS Support 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey N Quarterly, annually PCG Enterprises, Inc.
SB/SE Automated Under Reporter 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey NC Annually Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Automated Under Reporter Toll-free 9/30/17

Interactive Voice Response: Phone

NC Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Correspondence Center Exam 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey NC Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Correspondence Center Exam Toll-free 9/30/17 IVR Phone NC Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Innocent Spouse 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey N Quarterly, annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Innocent Spouse 9/30/17

IVR Phone

N Quarterly, annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Compliance Services Collection Operation 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey NC Annual PCG Enterprises, Inc.
SB/SE Field Collection 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Field Examination 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Employment Tax Examination 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey NT Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Excise Tax Examination 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey NT Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE Estate and Gift Tax Examination 9/30/17 Mailed, paper survey NT Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
SB/SE & RAAS American Customer Satisfaction Index  — Small Corporate Filing Process 10/31/18 Phone (Call-out) N Annual FCG, CFI Group, SSI
Taxpayer Advocate Service TAS closed cases 1/31/17 Mailed, paper survey N Annual TAS Research
Tax Exempt/Government Entities Exempt Organizations Determinations 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
TE/GE Exempt Organizations Examinations 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
TE/GE Employee Plans Determinations 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
TE/GE Employee Plans Examinations 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
TE/GE Federal, State & Local Governments Examination 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
TE/GE Toll-free 3/31/17 Phone, (Call-in) N Annual ICF Macro, Inc.
TE/GE Tax Exempt Bonds Exam 9/30/18 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
TE/GE Indian Tribal Government Exam 9/30/18 Mailed, paper survey N Bi-annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
Wage and Investment, Customer Assistance, Relationships and Education: Field Assistance TAC Office 3/31/21 Comment card N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CARE: Media & Publications Individual Taxpayer 9/30/21 Mail/Online N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CARE:M&P Business Taxpayers 9/30/21 Mail/Online N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CARE:M&P Tax Preparers 9/30/21 Mail/Online N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CARE:M&P Forms Distribution 9/30/21 Online N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CARE: Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication SPEC Partner 3/31/21 Online N Annual PCG Enterprises, Inc.
W&I:Customer Account Services Adjustments 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CAS CAA/AA ITIN Program Survey 3/31/19 Online N One-Time Fors Marsh Group (FMG)
W&I:CAS E-Help 3/31/21 IVR Phone N Annual

ICF Incorporated

W&I:CAS Injured Spouse 3/31/21 Mailed, paper survey N Annual Fors Marsh Group, LLC
W&I:CAS Practitioner Priority Service 3/31/21

IVR Phone

N Annual ICF Macro, Inc.
W&I:CAS Toll-Free 3/31/21 IVR Phone N Annual ICF Macro, Inc.
W&I:CAS TE/GE Toll-Free 3/31/  21   IVR Phone N ICF Macro, Inc.
W&I:CAS Toll-Free TAC Appointment Line  Survey and Follow-up Survey 9/30/21 IVR Phone/Web and Phone N Annual ICF Incorporated
W&I:Compliance Compliance Center Examination 9/30/21 Mailed, paper survey N Quarterly, annual ICF Macro, Inc.
W&I:Compliance Compliance Center Examination Toll-Free 9/30/21 IVR Phone N Quarterly ICF Macro, Inc.
W&I:R&A Taxpayer Experience Survey (formerly Market Segment Survey) 12/31/21 Web NS Annual ICF Incorporated
W&I and Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics (RAAS) American Customer Satisfaction Index — Individual Paper Filing Process 10/31/21 Phone (Call-out) N Annual FCG, CFI Group, SSI
W&I & RAAS American Customer Satisfaction Index — Individual Electronic Filing Process 10/31/21 Phone (Call-out) N Annual FCG, CFI Group, SSI
W&I Form 1040 Usability 12/31/18 Mail and Internet N One time Federally Funded Research and Development Center/MITRE