Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

USDA Connect (Social Networking Suite)

Service Description

EAS provides a social networking software solution to empower USDA employees to develop and maintain a network of colleagues and nurture creativity with communities of coworkers, partners and customers.

What's Included

  • Fully Managed Social Networking solution
  • Access management provided through eAuthentication
  • Robust Social Networking Suite that includes:
    - Profiles
    - Communities
    - Activities
    - Blogs
    - Wikis
    - Files
    - Bookmarks

How We Charge

Solution charges are based on the following factors:

  • Fee based on each user within the agency
  • Additional fee for storage use above the standard limit

Service Level Metrics

Measure Target SLA
System Monitoring 24 x 7
Incident Response 24 x 7
System Availability 99.99% excluding planned downtime*
Website Metrics Weekly log delivery

* - NITC reserves the option to schedule routine infrastructure maintenance activities on Sundays between 1800 to 2400 hours Central Time.

NOTE: NITC utilizes the USDA Universal Telecommunication Network (UTN) for Wide Area Network services. The UTN is contractually guaranteed to be 99.9% available but has historically delivered 99.997% availability.

Cost Saving Tips

We encourage the use of enterprise applications to take advantage of economies of scale thereby reducing cost to all customers

Additional Information

USDA Connect Website


Chris North, Director

OCIO, Enterprise Applications Services (EAS)