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Office on Smoking and Health’s Interactive Data Dissemination Tool: OSHData

OSHData presents comprehensive tobacco prevention and control data in an online, easy to use, interactive data application



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Latest Updates

January 2019

New data that are available in OSHData:

  • Legislative data on E-Cigarettes, Fire Safety, Licensure, Preemption, Smokefree Campus, Smokefree Indoor Air, Tax and Youth Access Legislation from Office on Smoking and Health (OSH), 2018 (4th Quarter).


Quick Start Guides

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Overview Quick Start Guide

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Graph of Healthy People 2020 Tobacco Use Objective TU-1.1: Reduce use of cigarette smoking by adults

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Suggested Citation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Office on Smoking and Health’s Interactive Data Dissemination Tool: OSHData. Available at:




Campaigns and Multimedia

  • Ready to quit smoking? Make sure you have what it takes.
  • CDC 24/7 – Saving Lives, Protecting People, Saving Money. Learn More About How CDC Works For You…