Energy Program


The County has established goals for reducing energy use and resultant carbon emissions that bring significant economic benefit to the public by reducing County expenses, reducing fossil fuel dependence, and establishing the County as a leader in our community.

County Operations Energy Goals

  1. Reduce County electricity use by 30% by 2023 as compared to a base year of 2012.
  2. Reduce fossil fuel use for transportation by 50% in ten years
  3. Achieve an overall emissions reduction of 80% from County operations within 10 years*

Active Energy Office projects supporting County Operations Energy Goals:

Electricity Sector

  • Energy Management Information Systems County Wide
  • Lihue Civic Center Chiller Replacement
  • 3990 Kaana Street Controls & Lighting Retrofits
  • LED Streetlight Replacement Project
  • Partnership/MOU with Kauai Island Utility Cooperative

Transportation Sector

  • Renewable Natural Gas Resource Feasibility Study
  • County Motor Pool Pilot Program


  • Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative
  • Hawaii Green Growth & Aloha Plus Challenge

Staff Support and Contact Information

Ben Sullivan
Energy Coordinator
Office of Economic Development
4444 Rice Street, Suite 200
Lihue, HI  96766
Ph: 808-241-4955