Step 1:

  • RECEIVE and read the Further Action Notice from E-Verify provided by your employer.
  • ENSURE that your name, date of birth, and Social Security number are correct.
  • TELL your employer immediately if any information is incorrect. The Further Action Notice explains what a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) is and explains how to visit a Social Security Administration (SSA) field office or contact the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and what information you will need.

Step 2:

  • DECIDE if you are going to contest (take action) or not contest (not take action) to resolve the DHS or SSA TNC case result.
  • NOTIFY your employer of your decision.

If you decide to contest the TNC: Your employer will refer your case to DHS or SSA through E-Verify. Your employer will also give you a Referral Date Confirmation, which provides you with the date by which you must visit SSA or contact DHS. Continue to Step 3.
If you decide not to contest the TNC: Your employer may terminate your employment and there are no additional steps for you.

Step 3:

  • VISIT an SSA field office OR
  • CONTACT DHS within 8 federal government workdays to correct the TNC.

Note: Your employer cannot take adverse action against you—including terminating employment, suspending employment, withholding pay or training, delaying a start date, or otherwise limiting employment—because of your decision to contest a TNC or because your E-Verify case is still pending with DHS or SSA.

Step 4:

  • WAIT for your employer to inform you of the final E-Verify case result.

Your case will update automatically in E-Verify based on the update by DHS or SSA. The final E-Verify result will indicate if E-Verify is able to confirm your work authorization.

See Reporting Violations if you believe your employer has misused E-Verify or discriminated against you.

Last Updated Date: