Division of Corporation Finance Actions During Government Shutdown

A limited number of staff members in the Division of Corporation Finance are available to answer questions relating to fee calculations for filings, but will not generally be available to respond to other questions. If you require assistance in calculating a fee for a filing you will make during the shutdown period, submit your request and contact information to CFEmergency@sec.gov. Federal law and regulations require us to cease our regular activities and our ability to respond to other questions may be limited by those regulations. Regardless of our operating status, EDGAR will accept registration statements, offering statements and other filings; however, as discussed below, during a shutdown we will not be able to declare registration statements effective nor qualify Form 1-A offering statements.

Please do not contact staff in the Division of Corporation Finance to report a tip or complaint. Please follow the instructions at https://www.sec.gov/tcr to report your concern. In addition, we are not permitted to answer questions submitted to CFEmergency@sec.gov that are not related to fee calculations for filings during the shutdown period.

  • [+]The following Questions and Answers may address many of the questions you may have.



    How will I know whether the SEC’s operating status has changed? Updates on our operating status will be posted on the SEC website.
    What happens if I have an effective registration statement and I determine that I must update the information in my prospectus before commencing my offering? You should not go forward with your offering before updating your prospectus. The company and its representatives will have to decide whether the company can update the prospectus without filing a post-effective amendment. If you file a post-effective amendment on EDGAR, the staff will not be in a position to declare that amendment effective.
    What happens if I have a previously qualified Form 1-A and I determine that I must update the information in my offering statement before commencing or continuing my offering? You should not go forward with your offering before updating your offering statement. If you file a post-qualification amendment on EDGAR, the staff will not be in a position to qualify that amendment.
    What happens if I don’t price my offering within the 15-day time period provided in Rule 430A?

    You may file post-effective amendments, as necessary, under Rule 462(c) to restart the 15-business-day period so that, at the time of pricing you will be able to include the pricing information in a 424(b) prospectus supplement. Post-effective amendments filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) are effective upon filing.

    Alternately, at the time of pricing, you could file a post-effective amendment under Rule 462(c), prior to the time confirmations are sent or given, to include the information omitted under Rule 430A.

    NOTE: You cannot rely on Rule 462(c), however, to include the pricing information if the post-effective amendment includes substantive changes from, or additions to, the prospectus in the effective registration statement.

    Can I file an amendment to my current registration statement to remove the delaying amendment so my registration statement will be effective in 20 days?

    Yes. If you choose to remove the delaying amendment, your registration statement will not become effective until 20 days have passed.

    If the SEC’s operational status does not change and you wish to further delay the effective date of your registration statement, you may file another pre-effective amendment during the 20 day period. The registration statement would not become effective until 20 days after the latest pre-effective amendment that does not include a delaying amendment.

    If the SEC’s operating status changes to operational and your registration statement is not yet effective, we would consider a request to accelerate to an earlier date. We may ask you to amend the registration statement to include the delaying amendment.

    NOTE: A company that amends its registration statement to remove the delaying amendment must also amend to include all information required by the form, including the price of the securities it will sell. Rule 430A is not available in the absence of a delaying amendment.

    Can I file a new registration or offering statement during a shutdown? Yes. Regardless of our operating status, EDGAR will accept registration statements, offering statements and other filings.
    Can I file a new registration statement without a delaying amendment during the shutdown? Yes. But if our operating status changes during the 20 day period, we may ask you to amend the document to include a delaying amendment.

About the Division »

In support of the Commission’s mission to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation, the Division of Corporation Finance seeks to ensure that investors are provided with material information in order to make informed investment decisions, both when a company initially offers its securities to the public and on an ongoing basis as it continues to give information to the marketplace. The Division also provides interpretive assistance to companies with respect to SEC rules and forms and makes recommendations to the Commission regarding new rules and revisions to existing rules.

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Information for Special Categories of Issuers

William HinmanWilliam Hinman, Director, Division of Corporation Finance

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Division of Corporation Finance Actions During Government Shutdown

A limited number of staff members in the Division of Corporation Finance are available to answer questions relating to fee calculations for filings, but will not generally be available to respond to other questions. If you require assistance in calculating a fee for a filing you will make during the shutdown period, submit your request and contact information to CFEmergency@sec.gov. Federal law and regulations require us to cease our regular activities and our ability to respond to other questions may be limited by those regulations. Regardless of our operating status, EDGAR will accept registration statements, offering statements and other filings; however, as discussed below, during a shutdown we will not be able to declare registration statements effective nor qualify Form 1-A offering statements.

Please do not contact staff in the Division of Corporation Finance to report a tip or complaint. Please follow the instructions at https://www.sec.gov/tcr to report your concern. In addition, we are not permitted to answer questions submitted to CFEmergency@sec.gov that are not related to fee calculations for filings during the shutdown period.

  • [+]The following Questions and Answers may address many of the questions you may have.



    How will I know whether the SEC’s operating status has changed? Updates on our operating status will be posted on the SEC website.
    What happens if I have an effective registration statement and I determine that I must update the information in my prospectus before commencing my offering? You should not go forward with your offering before updating your prospectus. The company and its representatives will have to decide whether the company can update the prospectus without filing a post-effective amendment. If you file a post-effective amendment on EDGAR, the staff will not be in a position to declare that amendment effective.
    What happens if I have a previously qualified Form 1-A and I determine that I must update the information in my offering statement before commencing or continuing my offering? You should not go forward with your offering before updating your offering statement. If you file a post-qualification amendment on EDGAR, the staff will not be in a position to qualify that amendment.
    What happens if I don’t price my offering within the 15-day time period provided in Rule 430A?

    You may file post-effective amendments, as necessary, under Rule 462(c) to restart the 15-business-day period so that, at the time of pricing you will be able to include the pricing information in a 424(b) prospectus supplement. Post-effective amendments filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) are effective upon filing.

    Alternately, at the time of pricing, you could file a post-effective amendment under Rule 462(c), prior to the time confirmations are sent or given, to include the information omitted under Rule 430A.

    NOTE: You cannot rely on Rule 462(c), however, to include the pricing information if the post-effective amendment includes substantive changes from, or additions to, the prospectus in the effective registration statement.

    Can I file an amendment to my current registration statement to remove the delaying amendment so my registration statement will be effective in 20 days?

    Yes. If you choose to remove the delaying amendment, your registration statement will not become effective until 20 days have passed.

    If the SEC’s operational status does not change and you wish to further delay the effective date of your registration statement, you may file another pre-effective amendment during the 20 day period. The registration statement would not become effective until 20 days after the latest pre-effective amendment that does not include a delaying amendment.

    If the SEC’s operating status changes to operational and your registration statement is not yet effective, we would consider a request to accelerate to an earlier date. We may ask you to amend the registration statement to include the delaying amendment.

    NOTE: A company that amends its registration statement to remove the delaying amendment must also amend to include all information required by the form, including the price of the securities it will sell. Rule 430A is not available in the absence of a delaying amendment.

    Can I file a new registration or offering statement during a shutdown? Yes. Regardless of our operating status, EDGAR will accept registration statements, offering statements and other filings.
    Can I file a new registration statement without a delaying amendment during the shutdown? Yes. But if our operating status changes during the 20 day period, we may ask you to amend the document to include a delaying amendment.

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