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Europe :: Hungary Print
Page last updated on January 02, 2019
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  • Introduction :: Hungary
  • Background field listing
    Hungary became a Christian kingdom in A.D. 1000 and for many centuries served as a bulwark against Ottoman Turkish expansion in Europe. The kingdom eventually became part of the polyglot Austro-Hungarian Empire, which collapsed during World War I. The country fell under communist rule following World War II. In 1956, a revolt and an announced withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact were met with a massive military intervention by Moscow. Under the leadership of Janos KADAR in 1968, Hungary began liberalizing its economy, introducing so-called "Goulash Communism." Hungary held its first multiparty elections in 1990 and initiated a free market economy. It joined NATO in 1999 and the EU five years later.
  • Geography :: Hungary
  • Location field listing
    Central Europe, northwest of Romania
    Geographic coordinates field listing
    47 00 N, 20 00 E
    Map references field listing
    Area field listing
    total: 93,028 sq km
    land: 89,608 sq km
    water: 3,420 sq km
    country comparison to the world: 111
    Area - comparative field listing
    slightly smaller than Virginia; about the same size as Indiana
    Land boundaries field listing
    total: 2,106 km
    border countries (7): Austria 321 km, Croatia 348 km, Romania 424 km, Serbia 164 km, Slovakia 627 km, Slovenia 94 km, Ukraine 128 km
    Coastline field listing
    0 km (landlocked)
    Maritime claims field listing
    none (landlocked)
    Climate field listing
    temperate; cold, cloudy, humid winters; warm summers
    Terrain field listing
    mostly flat to rolling plains; hills and low mountains on the Slovakian border
    Elevation field listing
    mean elevation: 143 m
    elevation extremes: 78 m lowest point: Tisza River
    1014 highest point: Kekes
    Natural resources field listing
    bauxite, coal, natural gas, fertile soils, arable land
    Land use field listing
    agricultural land: 58.9% (2011 est.)
    arable land: 48.5% (2011 est.) / permanent crops: 2% (2011 est.) / permanent pasture: 8.4% (2011 est.)
    forest: 22.5% (2011 est.)
    other: 18.6% (2011 est.)
    Irrigated land field listing
    1,721 sq km (2012)
    Population distribution field listing
    a fairly even distribution throughout most of the country, with urban areas attracting larger and denser populations
    Environment - current issues field listing
    air and water pollution are some of Hungary's most serious environmental problems; water quality in the Hungarian part of the Danube has improved but is still plagued by pollutants from industry and large-scale agriculture; soil pollution
    Environment - international agreements field listing
    party to: Air Pollution, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants, Air Pollution-Sulfur 85, Air Pollution-Sulfur 94, Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands, Whaling
    signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
    Geography - note field listing
    landlocked; strategic location astride main land routes between Western Europe and Balkan Peninsula as well as between Ukraine and Mediterranean basin; the north-south flowing Duna (Danube) and Tisza Rivers divide the country into three large regions
  • People and Society :: Hungary
  • Population field listing
    9,825,704 (July 2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 92
    Nationality field listing
    noun: Hungarian(s)
    adjective: Hungarian
    Ethnic groups field listing
    Hungarian 85.6%, Romani 3.2%, German 1.9%, other 2.6%, unspecified 14.1% (2011 est.)

    note: percentages add up to more than 100% because respondents were able to identify more than one ethnic group; Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 5–10% of Hungary's population

    Languages field listing
    Hungarian (official) 99.6%, English 16%, German 11.2%, Russian 1.6%, Romanian 1.3%, French 1.2%, other 4.2% (2011 est.)

    note: shares sum to more than 100% because some respondents gave more than one answer on the census; Hungarian is the mother tongue of 98.9% of Hungarian speakers

    Religions field listing
    Roman Catholic 37.2%, Calvinist 11.6%, Lutheran 2.2%, Greek Catholic 1.8%, other 1.9%, none 18.2%, unspecified 27.2% (2011 est.)
    Age structure field listing
    0-14 years: 14.66% (male 741,624 /female 698,905)
    15-24 years: 10.76% (male 546,437 /female 511,214)
    25-54 years: 42.01% (male 2,077,449 /female 2,050,330)
    55-64 years: 13.07% (male 593,250 /female 690,784)
    65 years and over: 19.5% (male 725,728 /female 1,189,983) (2018 est.)
    population pyramid: population pyramid
    Dependency ratios field listing
    total dependency ratio: 46.9 (2015 est.)
    youth dependency ratio: 21.2 (2015 est.)
    elderly dependency ratio: 25.7 (2015 est.)
    potential support ratio: 3.9 (2015 est.)
    Median age field listing
    total: 42.7 years
    male: 40.8 years
    female: 44.7 years (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 25
    Population growth rate field listing
    -0.26% (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 214
    Birth rate field listing
    8.9 births/1,000 population (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 206
    Death rate field listing
    12.8 deaths/1,000 population (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 12
    Net migration rate field listing
    1.3 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 54
    Population distribution field listing
    a fairly even distribution throughout most of the country, with urban areas attracting larger and denser populations
    Urbanization field listing
    urban population: 71.4% of total population (2018)
    rate of urbanization: 0.07% annual rate of change (2015-20 est.)
    Major urban areas - population field listing
    1.759 million BUDAPEST (capital) (2018)
    Sex ratio field listing
    at birth: 1.06 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    0-14 years: 1.06 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    15-24 years: 1.07 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    25-54 years: 1.01 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    55-64 years: 0.85 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    65 years and over: 0.6 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    total population: 0.91 male(s)/female (2017 est.)
    Mother's mean age at first birth field listing
    28.3 years (2014 est.)
    Maternal mortality rate field listing
    17 deaths/100,000 live births (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 131
    Infant mortality rate field listing
    total: 4.8 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
    male: 5.1 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
    female: 4.5 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 177
    Life expectancy at birth field listing
    total population: 76.3 years (2018 est.)
    male: 72.6 years (2018 est.)
    female: 80.2 years (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 88
    Total fertility rate field listing
    1.45 children born/woman (2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 205
    Contraceptive prevalence rate field listing
    61.6% (2008/09)

    note: percent of women aged 25-49

    Health expenditures field listing
    7.4% of GDP (2014)
    country comparison to the world: 71
    Physicians density field listing
    3.09 physicians/1,000 population (2015)
    Hospital bed density field listing
    7 beds/1,000 population (2013)
    Drinking water source field listing
    improved: urban: 100% of population
    rural: 100% of population
    total: 100% of population
    unimproved: urban: 0% of population
    rural: 0% of population
    total: 0% of population (2015 est.)
    Sanitation facility access field listing
    improved: urban: 97.8% of population (2015 est.)
    rural: 98.6% of population (2015 est.)
    total: 98% of population (2015 est.)
    unimproved: urban: 2.2% of population (2015 est.)
    rural: 1.4% of population (2015 est.)
    total: 2% of population (2015 est.)
    HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate field listing
    <.1% (2017 est.)
    HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS field listing
    2,800 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 125
    HIV/AIDS - deaths field listing
    <100 (2017 est.)
    Major infectious diseases field listing
    degree of risk: intermediate (2016)
    vectorborne diseases: tickborne encephalitis (2016)
    Obesity - adult prevalence rate field listing
    26.4% (2016)
    country comparison to the world: 41
    Education expenditures field listing
    4.6% of GDP (2014)
    country comparison to the world: 89
    Literacy field listing
    definition: age 15 and over can read and write (2015 est.)
    total population: 99.1% (2015 est.)
    male: 99.1% (2015 est.)
    female: 99% (2015 est.)
    School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education) field listing
    total: 15 years (2015)
    male: 15 years (2015)
    female: 16 years (2015)
    Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 field listing
    total: 12.9% (2016 est.)
    male: 12.9% (2016 est.)
    female: 12.9% (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 103
  • Government :: Hungary
  • Country name field listing
    conventional long form: none
    conventional short form: Hungary
    local long form: none
    local short form: Magyarorszag
    former: Kingdom of Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic, Hungarian Soviet Republic, Hungarian Republic
    etymology: the Byzantine Greeks refered to the tribes that arrived on the steppes of Eastern Europe in the 9th century as the "Oungroi," a name that was later Latinized to "Ungri" and which became "Hungari"; the name originally meant an "[alliance of] ten tribes"; the Hungarian name "Magyarorszag" means "Country of the Magyars"; the term may derive from the most prominent of the Hungarian tribes, the Megyer
    Government type field listing
    parliamentary republic
    Capital field listing
    name: Budapest
    geographic coordinates: 47 30 N, 19 05 E
    time difference: UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC, during Standard Time)
    daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October
    Administrative divisions field listing

    19 counties (megyek, singular - megye), 23 cities with county rights (megyei jogu varosok, singular - megyei jogu varos), and 1 capital city (fovaros)

    counties: Bacs-Kiskun, Baranya, Bekes, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Csongrad, Fejer, Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hajdu-Bihar, Heves, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Komarom-Esztergom, Nograd, Pest, Somogy, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Tolna, Vas, Veszprem, Zala;

    cities with county rights: Bekescsaba, Debrecen, Dunaujvaros, Eger, Erd, Gyor, Hodmezovasarhely, Kaposvar, Kecskemet, Miskolc, Nagykanizsa, Nyiregyhaza, Pecs, Salgotarjan, Sopron, Szeged, Szekesfehervar, Szekszard, Szolnok, Szombathely, Tatabanya, Veszprem, Zalaegerszeg;

    capital city: Budapest

    Independence field listing
    16 November 1918 (republic proclaimed); notable earlier dates: 25 December 1000 (crowning of King STEPHEN I, traditional founding date); 30 March 1867 (Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy established)
    National holiday field listing
    Saint Stephen's Day, 20 August (1083); note - commemorates his canonization and the transfer of his remains to Buda (now Budapest) in 1083
    Constitution field listing
    history: previous 1949 (heavily amended in 1989 following the collapse of communism); latest approved 18 April 2011, signed 25 April 2011, effective 1 January 2012 (2018)
    amendments: proposed by the president of the republic, by the government, by parliamentary committee, or by Parliament members; passage requires two-thirds majority vote of Parliament members and approval by the president; amended several times, last in 2016 (2018)
    International law organization participation field listing
    accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations; accepts ICCt jurisdiction
    Citizenship field listing
    citizenship by birth: no
    citizenship by descent only: at least one parent must be a citizen of Hungary
    dual citizenship recognized: yes
    residency requirement for naturalization: 8 years
    Suffrage field listing
    18 years of age, 16 if married and marriage is registered in Hungary; universal
    Judicial branch field listing
    highest courts: Curia or Supreme Judicial Court (consists of the president, vice president, department heads, and approximately 91 judges and is organized into civil, criminal, and administrative-labor departments; Constitutional Court (consists of 15 judges including the court president and vice president)
    judge selection and term of office: Curia president elected by the National Assembly on the recommendation of the president of the republic; other Curia judges appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the National Judicial Council, a separate 15-member administrative body; judge tenure based on interim evaluations until normal retirement age; Constitutional Court judges, including the president of the court elected by the National Assembly; court vice president elected by the court itself; members serve 12-year terms with mandatory retirement at age 70
    subordinate courts: 5 regional courts of appeal; 19 regional or county courts (including Budapest Metropolitan Court); 20 administrative-labor courts; 111 district or local courts
    Executive branch field listing
    chief of state: President Janos ADER (since 10 May 2012)
    head of government: Prime Minister Viktor ORBAN (since 29 May 2010)
    cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers proposed by the prime minister and appointed by the president
    elections/appointments: president indirectly elected by the National Assembly with two-thirds majority vote in first round or simple majority vote in second round for a 5-year term (eligible for a second term); election last held on 13 March 2017 (next to be held spring 2022); prime minister elected by the National Assembly on the recommendation of the president; election last held on 10 May 2018 (next to be held by spring 2022)
    election results: Janos ADER (Fidesz) reelected president; National Assembly vote - 131 to 39; Viktor ORBAN (Fidesz) reelected prime minister; National Assembly vote - 134 to 28
    Legislative branch field listing
    description: unicameral National Assembly or Orszaggyules (199 seats; 106 members directly elected in single-member constituencies by simple majority vote and 93 members directly elected in a single nationwide constituency by party list proportional representation vote; members serve 4-year terms)
    elections: last held on 8 April 2018 (next to be held in April 2022)
    election results: percent of vote by party list - Fidesz-KDNP 49.3%, Jobbik 19.1%, MSZP-PM 11.9%, LMP 7.1%, DK 5.4%, Together 0.7%, LdU 0.5%, other 6%; seats by party - Fidesz 117, Jobbik 26, KDNP 16, MSZP 15, LMP 9, DK 9, PM 5, LdU 1, independent 1; composition - men 174, women 25, percent of women 12.6%
    Political parties and leaders field listing
    Christian Democratic People's Party or KDNP [Zsolt SEMJEN]
    Democratic Coalition or DK [Ferenc GYURCSANY]
    Dialogue for Hungary or PM [Gergely KARACSONY, Timea SZABO]
    Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Alliance or Fidesz [Viktor ORBAN]
    Hungarian Liberal Party or MLP [Gabor FODOR]
    Hungarian Socialist Party or MSZP [Bertalan TOTH]
    Momentum (Momentum Mozgalom) [Andras FEKETE-GYOR]
    Movement for a Better Hungary or Jobbik [Janos VOLNER]
    National Self-Government of Germans in Hungary or LdU [Otto HEINEK]
    Politics Can Be Different or LMP
    Together (Egyutt) [Gordon BAJNAI, Peter JUHASZ, Peter KONYA, cochairs] (includes the civil organizations Patriotism and Progress (Haza es Haladas), One Million for Press Freedom (Egy millio a sajto szabadsagert) or Milla, Hungarian Solidarity Movement (Magyar Szolidaritas Mozgalom); note - formerly, Egyutt 2014 or E14)
    International organization participation field listing
    Australia Group, BIS, CD, CE, CEI, CERN, EAPC, EBRD, ECB, EIB, ESA (cooperating state), EU, FAO, G-9, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC (national committees), ICCt, ICRM, IDA, IEA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC (NGOs), MIGA, MINURSO, NATO, NEA, NSG, OAS (observer), OECD, OIF (observer), OPCW, OSCE, PCA, Schengen Convention, SELEC, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFICYP, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNIFIL, UNWTO, UPU, WCO, WFTU (NGOs), WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, ZC
    Diplomatic representation in the US field listing
    chief of mission: Ambassador Laszlo SZABO (since 8 September 2017)
    chancery: 3910 Shoemaker Street NW, Washington, DC 20008
    telephone: [1] (202) 362-6730
    FAX: [1] (202) 966-8135
    consulate(s) general: Los Angeles, New York
    consulate(s): Boston
    Diplomatic representation from the US field listing
    chief of mission: Ambassador David B. CORNSTEIN (since 25 June 2018)
    embassy: Szabadsag ter 12, H-1054 Budapest
    mailing address: pouch: American Embassy Budapest, 5270 Budapest Place, US Department of State, Washington, DC 20521-5270
    telephone: [36] (1) 475-4400
    FAX: [36] (1) 475-4248
    Flag description field listing
    three equal horizontal bands of red (top), white, and green; the flag dates to the national movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, and fuses the medieval colors of the Hungarian coat of arms with the revolutionary tricolor form of the French flag; folklore attributes virtues to the colors: red for strength, white for faithfulness, and green for hope; alternatively, the red is seen as being for the blood spilled in defense of the land, white for freedom, and green for the pasturelands that make up so much of the country
    National symbol(s) field listing
    Holy Crown of Hungary (Crown of Saint Stephen); national colors: red, white, green
    National anthem field listing
    name: "Himnusz" (Hymn)
    lyrics/music: Ferenc KOLCSEY/Ferenc ERKEL

    note: adopted 1844

  • Economy :: Hungary
  • Economy - overview field listing

    Hungary has transitioned from a centrally planned to a market-driven economy with a per capita income approximately two-thirds of the EU-28 average; however, in recent years the government has become more involved in managing the economy. Budapest has implemented unorthodox economic policies to boost household consumption and has relied on EU-funded development projects to generate growth.

    Following the fall of communism in 1990, Hungary experienced a drop-off in exports and financial assistance from the former Soviet Union. Hungary embarked on a series of economic reforms, including privatization of state-owned enterprises and reduction of social spending programs, to shift from a centrally planned to a market-driven economy, and to reorient its economy towards trade with the West. These efforts helped to spur growth, attract investment, and reduce Hungary’s debt burden and fiscal deficits. Despite these reforms, living conditions for the average Hungarian initially deteriorated as inflation increased and unemployment reached double digits. Conditions slowly improved over the 1990s as the reforms came to fruition and export growth accelerated. Economic policies instituted during that decade helped position Hungary to join the European Union in 2004. Hungary has not yet joined the euro-zone. Hungary suffered a historic economic contraction as a result of the global economic slowdown in 2008-09 as export demand and domestic consumption dropped, prompting it to take an IMF-EU financial assistance package.

    Since 2010, the government has backpedaled on many economic reforms and taken a more populist approach towards economic management. The government has favored national industries and government-linked businesses through legislation, regulation, and public procurements. In 2011 and 2014, Hungary nationalized private pension funds, which squeezed financial service providers out of the system, but also helped Hungary curb its public debt and lower its budget deficit to below 3% of GDP, as subsequent pension contributions have been channeled into the state-managed pension fund. Hungary’s public debt (at 74.5% of GDP) is still high compared to EU peers in Central Europe. Real GDP growth has been robust in the past few years due to increased EU funding, higher EU demand for Hungarian exports, and a rebound in domestic household consumption. To further boost household consumption ahead of the 2018 election, the government embarked on a six-year phased increase to minimum wages and public sector salaries, decreased taxes on foodstuffs and services, cut the personal income tax from 16% to 15%, and implemented a uniform 9% business tax for small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies. Real GDP growth slowed in 2016 due to a cyclical decrease in EU funding, but increased to 3.8% in 2017 as the government pre-financed EU funded projects ahead of the 2018 election.

    Systemic economic challenges include pervasive corruption, labor shortages driven by demographic declines and migration, widespread poverty in rural areas, vulnerabilities to changes in demand for exports, and a heavy reliance on Russian energy imports.

    GDP (purchasing power parity) field listing
    $289.6 billion (2017 est.)
    $278.5 billion (2016 est.)
    $272.5 billion (2015 est.)

    note: data are in 2017 dollars

    country comparison to the world: 59
    GDP (official exchange rate) field listing
    $139.2 billion (2017 est.) (2017 est.)
    GDP - real growth rate field listing
    4% (2017 est.)
    2.2% (2016 est.)
    3.4% (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 76
    GDP - per capita (PPP) field listing
    $29,600 (2017 est.)
    $28,300 (2016 est.)
    $27,600 (2015 est.)

    note: data are in 2017 dollars

    country comparison to the world: 68
    Gross national saving field listing
    25.7% of GDP (2017 est.)
    25.8% of GDP (2016 est.)
    25.3% of GDP (2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 54
    GDP - composition, by end use field listing
    household consumption: 49.6% (2017 est.)
    government consumption: 20% (2017 est.)
    investment in fixed capital: 21.6% (2017 est.)
    investment in inventories: 1% (2017 est.)
    exports of goods and services: 90.2% (2017 est.)
    imports of goods and services: -82.4% (2017 est.)
    GDP - composition, by sector of origin field listing
    agriculture: 3.9% (2017 est.)
    industry: 31.3% (2017 est.)
    services: 64.8% (2017 est.)
    Agriculture - products field listing
    wheat, corn, sunflower seed, potatoes, sugar beets; pigs, cattle, poultry, dairy products
    Industries field listing
    mining, metallurgy, construction materials, processed foods, textiles, chemicals (especially pharmaceuticals), motor vehicles
    Industrial production growth rate field listing
    7.4% (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 29
    Labor force field listing
    4.599 million (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 87
    Labor force - by occupation field listing
    agriculture: 4.9%
    industry: 30.3%
    services: 64.5% (2015 est.)
    Unemployment rate field listing
    4.2% (2017 est.)
    5.1% (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 54
    Population below poverty line field listing
    14.9% (2015 est.)
    Household income or consumption by percentage share field listing
    lowest 10%: 22.4% (2015)
    highest 10%: 22.4% (2015)
    Distribution of family income - Gini index field listing
    28.2 (2015 est.)
    28.6 (2014)
    country comparison to the world: 140
    Budget field listing
    revenues: 61.98 billion (2017 est.)
    expenditures: 64.7 billion (2017 est.)
    Taxes and other revenues field listing
    44.5% (of GDP) (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 23
    Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-) field listing
    -2% (of GDP) (2017 est.)

    note: Hungary has been under the EU Excessive Deficit Procedure since it joined the EU in 2004; in March 2012, the EU elevated its Excessive Deficit Procedure against Hungary and proposed freezing 30% of the country's Cohesion Funds because 2011 deficit reductions were not achieved in a sustainable manner; in June 2012, the EU lifted the freeze, recognizing that steps had been taken to reduce the deficit; the Hungarian deficit increased above 3% both in 2013 and in 2014 due to sluggish growth and the government's fiscal tightening

    country comparison to the world: 104
    Public debt field listing
    73.6% of GDP (2017 est.)
    76% of GDP (2016 est.)

    note: general government gross debt is defined in the Maastricht Treaty as consolidated general government gross debt at nominal value, outstanding at the end of the year in the following categories of government liabilities: currency and deposits, securities other than shares excluding financial derivatives, and national, state, and local government and social security funds.

    country comparison to the world: 43
    Fiscal year field listing
    calendar year
    Inflation rate (consumer prices) field listing
    2.4% (2017 est.)
    0.4% (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 119
    Central bank discount rate field listing
    0.9% (31 December 2017)
    0.9% (31 December 2016)
    country comparison to the world: 134
    Commercial bank prime lending rate field listing
    1.48% (31 December 2017 est.)
    2.09% (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 190
    Stock of narrow money field listing
    $74.77 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $55.48 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 46
    Stock of broad money field listing
    $74.77 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $55.48 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 46
    Stock of domestic credit field listing
    $86.22 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $69.76 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 56
    Market value of publicly traded shares field listing
    $27.7 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $22.4 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    $17.69 billion (31 December 2015 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 58
    Current account balance field listing
    $4.39 billion (2017 est.)
    $7.597 billion (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 30
    Exports field listing
    $98.74 billion (2017 est.)
    $91.6 billion (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 38
    Exports - partners field listing
    Germany 27.7%, Romania 5.4%, Italy 5.1%, Austria 5%, Slovakia 4.8%, France 4.4%, Czech Republic 4.4%, Poland 4.3% (2017)
    Exports - commodities field listing
    machinery and equipment (55.8%), other manufactures (32.7%), food products (6.8%), raw materials (2.4%), fuels and electricity (2.3%) (2017 est.)
    Imports field listing
    $96.3 billion (2017 est.)
    $83.5 billion (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 35
    Imports - commodities field listing
    machinery and equipment 45.4%, other manufactures 34.3%, fuels and electricity 12.6%, food products 5.3%, raw materials 2.5% (2012)
    Imports - partners field listing
    Germany 26.2%, Austria 6.3%, China 5.9%, Poland 5.5%, Slovakia 5.3%, Netherlands 5%, Czech Republic 4.8%, Italy 4.7%, France 4% (2017)
    Reserves of foreign exchange and gold field listing
    $28 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $25.82 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 52
    Debt - external field listing
    $138.1 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $131.3 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 43
    Stock of direct foreign investment - at home field listing
    $290 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $298.2 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 22
    Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad field listing
    $212 billion (31 December 2017 est.)
    $222.6 billion (31 December 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 27
    Exchange rates field listing
    forints (HUF) per US dollar -
    279.5 (2017 est.)
    281.52 (2016 est.)
    281.52 (2015 est.)
    279.33 (2014 est.)
    232.6 (2013 est.)
  • Energy :: Hungary
  • Electricity access field listing
    electrification - total population: 100% (2016)
    Electricity - production field listing
    30.22 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 64
    Electricity - consumption field listing
    39.37 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 56
    Electricity - exports field listing
    5.24 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 34
    Electricity - imports field listing
    17.95 billion kWh (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 13
    Electricity - installed generating capacity field listing
    8.639 million kW (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 67
    Electricity - from fossil fuels field listing
    64% of total installed capacity (2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 122
    Electricity - from nuclear fuels field listing
    22% of total installed capacity (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 5
    Electricity - from hydroelectric plants field listing
    1% of total installed capacity (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 148
    Electricity - from other renewable sources field listing
    13% of total installed capacity (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 67
    Crude oil - production field listing
    14,000 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 74
    Crude oil - exports field listing
    2,713 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 69
    Crude oil - imports field listing
    121,000 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 40
    Crude oil - proved reserves field listing
    24 million bbl (1 January 2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 82
    Refined petroleum products - production field listing
    152,400 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 59
    Refined petroleum products - consumption field listing
    167,700 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 62
    Refined petroleum products - exports field listing
    58,720 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 50
    Refined petroleum products - imports field listing
    82,110 bbl/day (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 62
    Natural gas - production field listing
    1.812 billion cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 60
    Natural gas - consumption field listing
    10.39 billion cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 46
    Natural gas - exports field listing
    3.52 billion cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 34
    Natural gas - imports field listing
    13.37 billion cu m (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 24
    Natural gas - proved reserves field listing
    6.598 billion cu m (1 January 2018 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 83
    Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy field listing
    51.28 million Mt (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 59
  • Communications :: Hungary
  • Telephones - fixed lines field listing
    total subscriptions: 3,131,598 (2017 est.)
    subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 32 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 44
    Telephones - mobile cellular field listing
    total subscriptions: 12,030,940 (2017 est.)
    subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 122 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 75
    Telephone system field listing
    general assessment: modern telephone system is digital and highly automated; trunk services are carried by fiber-optic cable and digital microwave radio relay; regulator preps for 5G spectrum auction in 2019 (2017)
    domestic: competition among mobile-cellular service providers has led to a sharp increase in the use of mobile-cellular phones 122 per 100 and a decrease in the number of fixed-line connections 32 per 100 persons (2017)
    international: country code - 36; Hungary has fiber-optic cable connections with all neighboring countries; the international switch is in Budapest; satellite earth stations - 2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean regions), 1 Inmarsat, 1 very small aperture terminal (VSAT) system of ground terminals (2015)
    Broadcast media field listing
    mixed system of state-supported public service broadcast media and private broadcasters; the 5 publicly owned TV channels and the 2 main privately owned TV stations are the major national broadcasters; a large number of special interest channels; highly developed market for satellite and cable TV services with about two-thirds of viewers utilizing their services; 4 state-supported public-service radio networks; a large number of local stations including commercial, public service, nonprofit, and community radio stations; digital transition completed at the end of 2013; government-linked businesses have greatly consolidated ownership in broadcast and print media (2018)
    Internet country code field listing
    Internet users field listing
    total: 7,826,695 (July 2016 est.)
    percent of population: 79.3% (July 2016 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 54
    Broadband - fixed subscriptions field listing
    total: 2,956,585 (2017 est.)
    subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 30 (2017 est.)
    country comparison to the world: 41
  • Transportation :: Hungary
  • National air transport system field listing
    number of registered air carriers: 5 (2015)
    inventory of registered aircraft operated by air carriers: 75 (2015)
    annual passenger traffic on registered air carriers: 20,042,185 (2015)
    annual freight traffic on registered air carriers: 0 mt-km (2015)
    Civil aircraft registration country code prefix field listing
    HA (2016)
    Airports field listing
    41 (2013)
    country comparison to the world: 103
    Airports - with paved runways field listing
    total: 20 (2017)
    over 3,047 m: 2 (2017)
    2,438 to 3,047 m: 6 (2017)
    1,524 to 2,437 m: 6 (2017)
    914 to 1,523 m: 5 (2017)
    under 914 m: 1 (2017)
    Airports - with unpaved runways field listing
    total: 21 (2013)
    1,524 to 2,437 m: 2 (2013)
    914 to 1,523 m: 8 (2013)
    under 914 m: 11 (2013)
    Heliports field listing
    3 (2013)
    Pipelines field listing
    5874 km gas (high-pressure transmission system), 83732 km gas (low-pressure distribution network), 850 km oil, 1200 km refined products (2016)
    Railways field listing
    total: 8,049 km (2014)
    standard gauge: 7,794 km 1.435-m gauge (2,889 km electrified) (2014)
    narrow gauge: 219 km 0.760-m gauge (2014)
    broad gauge: 36 km 1.524-m gauge (2014)
    country comparison to the world: 28
    Roadways field listing
    total: 203,601 km (2014)
    paved: 77,087 km (includes 1,582 km of expressways) (2014)
    unpaved: 126,514 km (2014)
    country comparison to the world: 26
    Waterways field listing
    1,622 km (most on Danube River) (2011)
    country comparison to the world: 47
    Ports and terminals field listing
    river port(s): Baja, Csepel (Budapest), Dunaujvaros, Gyor-Gonyu, Mohacs (Danube)
  • Military and Security :: Hungary
  • Military expenditures field listing
    1.01% of GDP (2016)
    0.93% of GDP (2015)
    0.87% of GDP (2014)
    0.95% of GDP (2013)
    1.04% of GDP (2012)
    country comparison to the world: 111
    Military branches field listing
    Hungarian Defense Forces: Land Forces, Hungarian Air Force (Magyar Legiero, ML) (2011)
    Military service age and obligation field listing
    18-25 years of age for voluntary military service; no conscription; 6-month service obligation (2012)
  • Transnational Issues :: Hungary
  • Disputes - international field listing
    bilateral government, legal, technical and economic working group negotiations continue in 2006 with Slovakia over Hungary's failure to complete its portion of the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros hydroelectric dam project along the Danubeas a member state that forms part of the EU's external border, Hungary has implemented the strict Schengen border rules
    Refugees and internally displaced persons field listing
    refugees (country of origin): 5,950 applicants for forms of legal stay other than asylum (Ukraine) (2015)
    stateless persons: 139 (2017)

    note: 432,744 estimated refugee and migrant arrivals (January 2015-December 2018); Hungary is predominantly a transit country and hosts 137 migrants and asylum seekers as of the end of June 2018; 1,626 migrant arrivals in 2017

    Illicit drugs field listing
    transshipment point for Southwest Asian heroin and cannabis and for South American cocaine destined for Western Europe; limited producer of precursor chemicals, particularly for amphetamine and methamphetamine; efforts to counter money laundering, related to organized crime and drug trafficking are improving but remain vulnerable; significant consumer of ecstasy