Information on Specific Types of Emergencies

ebola virus

Information about current disease outbreaks and public health incidents including how CDC and partners are working together to keep people safe and healthy.

natural disasters severe weather

Preparedness information about natural disasters including extreme heat, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, winter weather, tornadoes, and more.

radiation emergencies

Learn how to take actions to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your pets during a radiation emergency by getting inside, staying inside, and staying tuned.


Information for professionals and the general public on specific bioterrorism agents including fact sheets, case definitions, and communicating in the first hours.

Novel influenza A (H1N1) virus

Information about influenza pandemics and pandemic preparedness and planning resources.

chemical emergencies

Information on specific chemical agents including fact sheets, case definitions, frequently asked questions, and how to protect yourself.

Page last reviewed: January 23, 2018