
Aquaponics systemA combination of fish and plant production using aquaculture and hydroponics systems, aquaponics is moving from the realm of experimental to commercial. Learn more about this production system and if it might be right for your backyard garden or farming operation.

North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. Iowa State University.

The second Technical Bulletin in this series covers aquaculture systems components used in aquaponics and lists reading materials, videos, and online resource pages. The first bulletin in this series covered hydroponic growing methods used in aquaponics. Future Bulletins will cover fish selection and management; and plant selection and management.

North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. Iowa State University.

The first Technical Bulletin in this series covers hydroponic growing methods used in aquaponics and lists reading materials, videos, and online resource pages. Future Bulletins will cover aquaculture components; fish selection and management; and plant selection and management.

National Aquaculture Association. In partnership with North Central Regional Aquaculture Center and the United States Aquaculture Society.

Instructs producers on how to design and manage aquaponic systems for both home food production and in commercial operations.  Provides details on aquaponic production methods, species cultured, systems, operational management and products.  Discusses the "realities of economic viability and food safety and environmental sustainability" of aquaponics.  Presents current standards and trends in aquaculture. (Webinar. 55 mins.)

University of the Virgin Islands. Agricultural Experiment Station.

Presents the concept, current design, and support and management strategies for an aquaponic production system.  Information is based upon aquaponic systems at the University of the Virgin Islands. (Video. 50 mins.)

Purdue University.

An "introduction to the recommended practices and guidelines for starting a successful aquaponics operation." (Video. 15 mins.)

USDA. AMS. NOP. Hydroponic and Aquaponic Task Force.

This 2016 report, submitted to National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), "1) describes the current state of technologies and practices used in hydroponics and aquaponics; and 2) ... examines how those practices align or do not align with the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and the USDA organic regulations." 

United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The Guide, developed because there are differences in the production of cultivated agriculture and aquaponics, provides guidance for developing an operating strategy and business plan specific to an aquaponics farm. It is modeled after the original Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook.

Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.

Although aquaponics is not a new technology, "the interest in growing fish and plants in an integrated, indoor system has grown rapidly in recent years." This factsheet presents an analysis of aquaponic systems, including economic considerations, production cost estimates, and the economic feasibility of aquaponics in the United States.

Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.

Provides an overview of aquaponics and describes system design and components; management of the aquaponic system; and water quality issues.

Iowa State University. Extension Service.

Presentation outlines issues to consider when designing, constructing and managing an aquaponics system. Includes James Rakocy's "Guidelines for Aquaponics Producers." Recording
