Home0 sites found
Regulatory Agencies
Originating Data System
Regulatory Programs
Evaluation Type
Enforcement Type
Site County
  • Site
    Export a CSV file containing information for the current sites.
    Site Regulated Programs
    Export a CSV file containing all site regulated programs for the current sites.
    Export a CSV file containing all affiliations (i.e., contacts and organizations) for the current sites.
    Export a CSV file containing all sites containing multiple coordinates. This does not include facilities with their primary coordinate.
  • Compliance
    Export a CSV file containing facilities with evaluations (e.g., inspections) for the current sites.
    Export a CSV file containing facilities with violations for the current sites.
    Export a CSV file containing facilities with enforcement actions for the current sites.
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Enter any text into the keyword search, or use the map and/or filters to find sites and environmental interests.


Items listed under the Filter tab limit your search results to the selected items. Filtering is applied in addition to the search string you define in the search box.


Use the export function to download data for the sites in your search results.

Advanced Search

Use operators to further refine a search. Click the drop-down icon on the search box to see a list of the available operators, and enter search text in the applicable operator fields.

Operators can also be typed directly into the search box, for example:

  • site_city:Sacramento
  • site_address:"1315 10th St"
  • site_zip:95814

  • Do not use a space after the colon (:) that follows each operator.

    You may combine search terms to further refine your results. Use quotes to define a phrase that you want to search.

    Available operators:
    site_id, site_name, site_address, site_city, site_zip, affil_name, alias_id, alias_name, naics_code, naics_desc, sic_code, sic_desc, src_system_id, census_tract, county