FWS Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response
Conserving the Nature of America
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Our Role After the Spill

When hazardous substances enter the environment, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources can be injured. The Departments of Interior and Commerce, along with state, tribal and other federal partners, act as “trustees” for these resources. Trustees seek to identify the natural resources injured and determine the extent of the injuries, recover damages from those responsible, and plan and carry out natural resource restoration activities. These efforts are possible under the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) Program, the goal of which is to restore natural resources injured by contamination. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's primary responsibility at this time regarding the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill is to oversee the implementation of the NRDAR Program.

The primary benefit of the NRDAR Program is that injured natural resources can be restored at no cost to the American taxpayers. Instead, the parties responsible for the injuries pay for the restoration. Because of this program, people across the country enjoy rivers and lands that are once again healthy and teeming with fish and wildlife, and public places that are safe for recreation and other uses. Through the dedication of state and federal agencies, as well as organizations and individuals committed to caring for the environment, we are making progress toward a cleaner, healthier environment for all living things.

For a more detailed explaination on NRDAR, read our NRDAR 101 and NRDAR: How It Works fact sheets.


Medical Benefits Settlement: Guidance for Federal Employees

The Office of the Solicitor at the United States Department of Labor has issued guidance for federal employees who may be eligible to participate in a Medical Benefits Settlement arising from the BP oil spill. The guidance is posted on the Department of Labor’s website at: http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dfec/regs/compliance/BPDeepwaterHorizonGuidance.pdf


Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program Video Overview




Deepwater Oil Spill Early Restoration

On behalf of the Co-Trustees, we are providing the following information:

The recent agreement between the Natural Resource Trustees and BP to make available $1 Billion for implementation of restoration projects presents an additional opportunity for engaging the public in the restoration process. The Trustees will continue to make available our Suggest Restoration Project page. Project ideas previously submitted to the co-trustees will also be considered. All projects approved by the Trustees will be included in a Restoration Plan that will be subject to public review and comment.

Restore the Gulf icon

A man in USFWS clothing looks at data on the beach
Carlos Pacheco reviews beach bird study data sheets in Gulf Shores. Comparing data against baseline generated from surveys taken on clean beaches and early in the spill will begin to provide the scientists with a picture of how many birds died as a result of the spill. Photo by Gary Peeples, USFWS. View it on Flickr.

A brown pelican flying over water
A brown pelican flying near Mangrove Island, La. Photo by Tom MacKenzie, USFWS. View it on Flickr.

Last updated: October 2, 2012