E-Verify is an Internet-based service with very simple system requirements. Employers who use E-Verify need:

  • A computer with Internet access and one of the following Web browsers:
    • Internet Explorer - version 6.0 and above
      • However, versions prior to 11 have TLS 1.2 disabled by default and you will need to enable it in Internet options by clicking Advanced and then checking the box next to “Use TLS 1.2”
    • Firefox version - 3.0 and above (though we recommended 38.1 or above)
    • Chrome version - 7.0 and above (though we recommended 44 or above)
    • Safari version - 4.0 and above (though we recommended 8 or above)
  • Access to a printer
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader software. E-Verify documentation is accessible online as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. If you do not have a program installed on your computer that enables you to view PDF files, you can download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
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