Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Client Experience Center (CEC) Vision

What We Do

Client Experience Center (CEC), formerly Client Technology Services (CTS), aims to innovate, deliver, and service world-class IT products and services that meet customer requirements and exceed customer expectations.

CEC’s strategic vision is based on the following outcomes:

  • Customer-centric: Develop partnerships with our customers to meet their tactical and strategic needs and make it easy to do business with CEC
  • People-oriented: Create a culture in which our employees are challenged, motivated, skilled, productive, and creative
  • Standards-based: Leverage and continuously improve our processes and technology standards to ensure that our solutions are scalable, available, cost-effective, and secure
  • Results-focused: Link information management products and services to mission achievement and regularly measure progress
  • Solutions-focused: Focus on the creation of world-class solutions that meet customer requirements and exceed customer expectations. Innovate to improve overall efficiency and to enable strategic investments

CEC Customer Cornerstones


We innovate efficient and effective solutions for our customers. Innovation is about matching known or anticipated needs with solutions.

CEC enlists the deep experience of staff and customers to develop technology solutions that can effectively serve USDA now and in the future. We focus on innovation during our design and engineering activities to tailor solutions for our customers.


CEC has a strong history of delivering solutions (some solutions that we've innovated and some that we've inherited).

CEC delivers new technology and services to customers on a continuous basis. Service delivery supports complex enterprise-wide initiatives, new software and hardware requests received from customers or due for replacement, and routine updates to existing software and security. Whether the solution is a result of our own innovation, or we are asked to implement another organization’s design, CEC has a strong track record of delivering on time and within budget.  


Service is what we are all about. Service cuts across all of CEC. Our ability to service the customer is the most visible part of our operations. 

With customers based in more than 3,400 locations, it is not cost effective to have dedicated support staff at each location. CEC has staff throughout the United States and its territories to address customer service requirements that cannot be resolved remotely.

CEC is an advocate of IT Service Management (ITSM) based on the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) process standards. We leverage a rigorous Activity-Based Cost Management (ABC/M) cost model and industry benchmarking to ensure our products and services are competitive.

This downloadable map above shows the breadth of CEC technical support coverage.

CEC Project Highlights

Enterprise Mobility Management: Provides a single platform of mobility management service to help customers with securing and managing the devices from major carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint.

Customer Integrated Certification (CIC): Provides Customer Agencies a managed, secure, and controlled virtualized environment where they can test and certify their own limited use software applications.

Windows 7:  Provides increased speed and security at the desktop, while offering better hardware compatibility and enhanced features.

CEC Remote Computing Services - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): Provides workers with a desktop that can be securely accessed from any approved and supported device available.