Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Managed Print Services II

Service Description

Managed Print Services (MPS) is USDA’s commodity management approach that allows agencies to achieve cost and environmental savings through improvements to acquiring serviced print and copy devices. MPS is designed to reduce total cost of ownership, streamline acquisition, develop best practices in print management, permit agency visibility into print usage, and encourage innovation in print management.

MPS is a vendor delivered service, which all USDA agencies have access to; for confidential faxing, scanning, copying, and printing in a secure and managed environment.

MPS, an industry leader in print management and services, is responsible for meeting the agency’s office printing needs, including the equipment, supplies, service and the overall management of the printer fleet. All print devices and equipment are owned and maintained by the vendor; the print devices are not purchased or leased.

MPS II incident response definitions, response times and procedures are documented in the Incident Severity and Response Chart. This chart is available to customers on the USDA MPS II Web Portal.

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What is included

MPS II Base Services includes:

  • Required site assessment for all participating agency sites.
  • Detailed monthly usage reports.
  • Automatic delivery to the site Point of Contact (POC) of consumables and supplies when needed(paper not included).
  • Improved service benefits from real time device alert predictive failure notifications and priority eventonsite service visits.
  • Increased productivity and security are provided with the use of Follow-You Printing™” type printingoptions, increased device uptimes and implementation of user authentication when retrieving a fax,scan, or print jobs. The Follow-You Printing™” type option may only be available at offices with highbandwidth.
  • MPS provides more access, flexibility, and security with Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card,Active Directory Login or Agency PIN access integration.

Network Infrastructure Support:
OCIO CTS offers three options for network infrastructure to support MPS II in agencies’ environments who are not fully supported by OCIO CTS. The three options offered are:

  1. Option 1: All Core Accounting Servers (CAS) are located in the CTS End User (EU) and Device Control Engine (DCE)/Document Routing Engine (DRE) Print Servers are within agency boundary.
  2. Option 2: Regional/Slave CAS and DCE/DRE Print Servers are located within the agency boundary.
  3. Option 3: All CAS and Print Servers are located in the CTS EU and print devices are within agency boundary.

OCIO CTS Network infrastructure options includes the following services:

  • Includes Enterprise Master CAS Server – Equitrac Accounting and Reporting Software and operations support;
  • Includes Regional CAS Server – Equitrac Accounting and Reporting Software and operations support;
  • Includes Enterprise Xerox Device Management (XDM) Server and Software and operations support;
  • Includes OCIO CTS device certification and functional evaluation;
  • Includes Authority to Operate (ATO) application management;
  • Includes OCIO-CTS Xerox development and implementation;
  • Excludes OCIO CTS time to provide assistance for servers and devices in customer environments; and
  • Excludes local print servers or Regional CAS Servers, if needed.

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How We Charge

Pricing is broken into six components:

  • Monthly Device Base (base device plus accessories).
  • Color Click Rate and Mono Click Rate (price per image – PPI).
  • Device relocation fee if device is moved more than 25 miles from existing location or more than once per year.
  • Early termination fees for removal of devices prior to 60 months of service time.
  • One-time installation fee known as the MPS Network/Infrastructure Support Services Fee; applied only to non-CTS supported agencies.
  • NCAF Fee (GWAC contract administration) and OCIO/CTS Administrative and Program Management Fee (A&PM)

Monthly Usage and Cost reports will provide monthly device base, usage, device relocation fees and early termination fees, if any, and OCIO CTS Service costs based on the agency that used a MPS device rather than to the agency that ordered a MPS device. To maximize cost savings, agency managers are encouraged to have their staff use any MPS device regardless of who ordered the device, since the usage costs will be billed to the agency that used the device, not to the agency that ordered the device.

Monthly device base including accessories, usage, device relocation fees and early termination fees, if any, and OCIO CTS Administrative and Program Management Fee will be funded through MPS II Reimbursable Agreements.

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Service Level Metrics

Managed Print Services II Performance Measures

Performance Performance Measure Performance Target
MPS II Device Availability

Availability of uptime per device (based on a 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. local time zone business day) as shown in the Incident Management Report.
(excluding downtime for device maintenance or network connectivity issues)


Measurement Tool - Vendor Web Portal

Cost Savings Tips

  • Service eliminates the need for making a capital purchase or lease of printer, scanner, copier, and fax hardware and the associated consumables.
  • Agencies’ printing cost are reduced by paying only for actual usage, license and upgrade options, which removes the obligation of resources dedicated to devices, toner and maintenance.
  • Price per image (PPI) will decrease as volume usages increase due to project deployment across USDA.