Contacting the Governor

If you would like to leave a comment or you need help resolving an issue with a state agency, please fill out the contact form, and we will review your message as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to the volume of contacts we receive, we may not be able to respond specifically to each individual email.

Get updates from the Governor on MediumTwitter, Facebook, Flickr and You Tube.

For answers to frequently asked questions, please see the Governor’s FAQ.

For student projects, please see our kids’ page for information about the Governor and Washington State.

Federal issues

As a state official, Gov. Jay Inslee does not have any jurisdiction over the federal agencies handling issues like social security or immigration. Washington's U.S. Senators and Representatives handle federal issues on behalf of Washingtonians every day and are available to assist you.

Local issues

The Governor does not have jurisdiction over issues decided upon by local elected officials. If you have concerns with such an issue, please contact the office of your local government.

Judicial/legal issues

As a state official, Gov. Inslee cannot provide legal assistance or advice, nor does he have the authority to intervene in matters involving the Judicial branch of government. Constituent Services is unable to provide assistance in matters of a legal nature. The Governor has no jurisdiction in most of these matters and cannot get involved because of the separation of powers.

If you have a consumer complaint that you would like to be investigated, please contact the Office of Attorney General.